Reintegration of non-vaccinated caregivers: finally, the government opposes it

by time news

Halt to the return of caregivers not vaccinated against Covid. As the debate gathered momentum, the government decided on Friday that they would not be reinstated, following a negative opinion from the High Authority for Health.

The Academy of Medicine, the Scientific Council and the High Authority for Health have a convergent opinion (…) it is negative” and “we follow the opinion of scientists“, announced the Minister of Health François Braun, during a trip to Seine-et-Marne.

They will not be reinstated“, he then confirmed on CNews.

Shortly before this announcement, the HAS, whose opinions serve as the basis for public health decisions, said to itself “fin favor of maintaining the obligation to vaccinate against (the) Covid-19“Caregivers.

See also: Reintegration of unvaccinated caregivers: the High Authority for Health opposes it

The opinion of the HAS was all the more awaited since the parliamentarians had decided on Thursday that a possible reinstatement of the caregivers would be automatic as soon as the authority gave its agreement.

An opinion is in line with other recent positions such as that of the Academy of Medicine.

See also: Reintegration of unvaccinated caregivers: the Academy of Medicine announces its “firm opposition”

Slightly less clear-cut, the Scientific Council, on the verge of dying out after having guided the government’s policies against Covid for more than two years, said Thursday “very reserved” about reinstatement.

Other great scientific figures, not very suspicious of complacency towards movements qualified as “anti-vax”, believe, conversely, that it is time to reintegrate unvaccinated caregivers.

This is the case of epidemiologist Antoine Flahault who ruled on Twitter on Wednesday that “the maintenance of the suspension of unvaccinated caregivers (was) no longer scientifically based” in view of the loss of effectiveness of vaccines .

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