Rekach realizes holdings on an online site for sales of pharma products

by time news

Rekach is a leading Israeli company specializing in the production, import, marketing, sale and distribution of medicines, vitamins, medical preparations classified by AMR, dietary supplements and dermatological products. For the mechanism of realizing the balance of Bella’s holdings as defined in the original sale agreement and in accordance with the understandings reached by the parties, it sold all of the company’s holdings in Bella Online to Shufersal and repaid all owner loans and credit balances of the company in Bella for a total of NIS 3.7 million.

Bella Online was established in 2012 with the aim of establishing and leading a new field of supplying prescription drugs and pharmacy products to the homes of private customers in Israel. In 2016, Rekach acquired control of Bella Online and worked together with the company’s founder and aims to establish the field of “home medicine” as an innovative and advanced field in Israel. 51% of the shares in La Online, whose activity is a platform for online sales of various pharma products, were acquired in August 2019 by the Be chain from the Shufersal Group.

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