Relations are heating up: Saudi Arabia is preparing for an extraordinary political event with Israel

by time news

The publication in Globes about the warming of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, followed by other media in Israel, indicates the preparation of the ground for a political event with extraordinary economic and security aspects. This is what an international factor in the details of relations between the countries tells Globes. Among the soon-to-be-anticipated measures are agreements in civilian areas, such as aviation, and research and technological collaborations in the fields of medicine, agriculture and energy.

“The Saudis prefer that the publication deal mainly with economic matters, because there are still many obstacles in the other issues, but the economic openness indicates the next steps that are not far off,” the source says. His remarks are confirmed by political sources in Israel, the United States and a senior Saudi official.

He said the article was translated upon publication on Thursday evening and placed on the table of senior officials in the kingdom, as well as among the business community. And what was the reaction? “The spirit of things is that it’s time for it not to be secret. The two countries have a lot to give each other, and the economic-commercial-technological direction is the right one right now. Advertising will also help more contacts and visits, which is good.” He noted that there are many Saudis who want to come to Israel to promote business and see with their own eyes that the technologies are working, especially in agriculture, and in the fields of high technology.

Geo-strategic contacts

And alongside the economy, beneath the surface, talks are continuing to expand geo-strategic ties. Riyadh was recently visited by two representatives of the administration in Washington, Amos Hochstein, who deals with energy issues, and the Middle East Affairs Coordinator at the National Security Council, Brett McGurk. According to political sources, McGurk is discussing with the Saudis Israel’s consent to changes in the presence of international forces in the islands of Tiran and Sanfir, due to their transfer from Egypt to Saudi Arabia.

This individual step is part of the strengthening of the political-security axis between Israel and the moderate countries in the region: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Jordan. Joining the trend is Turkey, and as part of that, Defense Minister Holusi Akar will visit Abu Dhabi on Monday – for the first time in 15 years. The intention of the countries of the region is to expand the infrastructure of intelligence-security-political cooperation that already exists.

An Israeli businessman who is in Riyadh now says In a conversation that he heard from his Saudi host about the publication in Globes. According to him, the host expressed hope that bringing the issue off the table would expand the business ties between the countries, and especially between businessmen and companies.

“Abraham’s Agreements Helped”

Prof. Uzi Rabbi of Tel Aviv University says that the Abrahamic Agreements are the ones that create the new geo-strategic architecture of the Middle East. He said the agreements caused a change in the Middle East, and also allowed those who did not sign the agreements – including Saudi Arabia – to join the move unofficially. Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman seeks to make a fundamental change in the country, socio-economically, in order to solve the country’s fundamental problems. The Saudis need, among other things, the Israeli security technologies in confrontations.

Prof. Rabbi adds that Muhammad bin Salman is also required for his own “bleaching” due to the stains that stuck with him on human rights issues and especially in the Hashukaji assassination case – and warming with Israel is helping. However, in his view, the Saudis will want a substantial Israeli political step against the Palestinians, in order to step up towards diplomatic relations with Israel. He points out that the Saudis may also pressure the Palestinians to move forward on their part, and that the patience of the states of the Abrahamic Accords on the Palestinian issue has greatly diminished.

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