Released: Court Cancels Guardianship of Britney Spears

by time news

Pop star Britney Spears regained control of her life and financial affairs yesterday (Friday). This is after the court in Los Angeles decided to remove the guardianship that has given her father Jamie Spears control over her life since 2008.

Spears, 39, did not attend the hearing, but afterward posted a tweet on Twitter in which she wrote, “I love my fans so much that it’s crazy !!! I think I’ll cry all day. It’s the best day ever!”.

Dozens of Spears fans gathered outside the court, many of whom have accompanied the public struggle for the singer’s release since its inception. With the court decision, fans threw pink confetti into the air.

Spears’ father gained control of the guardianship, which includes control of about $ 60 million, after the singer underwent a public collapse in 2007 and was hospitalized for psychiatric treatment. Over the years, public criticism has developed of Spears’ condition, which has continued to appear around the world while she is unable to make basic decisions about her life.

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