relive our special day dedicated to the 5th anniversary of this political and judicial revolution, in France and around the world

by time news

For me, the main change brought about by #metoo is simply the displacement of the norm of what is acceptable. The collective moral compass has shifted, just a little, and with it the power relations.

Typically, I who am a young feminist employee, #metoo allowed me to be much better informed, especially on the legal definition of minor sexual offenses (sexist acts, environmental sexual harassment). It allowed me to harden my remarks on the theme of ordinary sexism, by gaining argumentative legitimacy.

In addition, a large group like mine cares a lot about its image and its reputation. It gives me, and others around me, new power. I know that in the event of harassment or aggression, if my N + 1 does not react correctly, I can go back to my N + 2, to the local HR, to the site HRD, then company, then group. If nothing is done, then I can go to the police station, and/or write on social networks: and there, I’m sure there will be a reaction.

In other words, in the world of work where I evolve, if employees are ready to defend the new standards, then these can no longer be ignored.

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