Reminder, reflection, suggestion (By Diallo I)

by time news

2023-06-19 13:53:12

Before colonial France was in possession of the Loos Islands (Kassa, Tamara, Fotoba, Koromandja, …) held by England, Guinea was managed from Dakar (Senegal). When these islands were ceded to France, the French government constituted French Guinea autonomously in 1895. This colony, made up of four natural regions, was very rich, its riches were complementary. The capital Conakry, located in Lower Guinea, peacefully welcomed the inhabitants of other regions: Middle Guinea, Upper Guinea and Forest Guinea. The people of Lower Guinea are welcoming, kind and generous. France set to work to transform the territory into another France through language, style of dress, food in circles (cities). Initially, 29 circles were set up with French schools and civil servants obeying the management spirit of France. It should be noted that Middle Guinea, Islamized, took French culture with discernment. This French Guinea was very early known for its agricultural and mining wealth and its river resources. René Caillé, in his works, spoke with eloquence and interest of this fabulous colony.

Meanwhile, a great intellectual, out of Centrale, immense is the fortune of his son-in-law, invents the oclocypede, he sets up a factory of velocipedes in Paris. A great reader of René Caillé, Olivier de Sanderval decides to see Guinea. Olivier de Sanderval falls in love with Fouta-Djalon, he plans to create an Atlantic railway – Timbo – French Sudan (current Republic of Mali). In 1880, he proposed to Timbo (political capital of theocratic, independent Fouta) a railway. While seeking the funds for this railroad, France annexed Fouta and recovered the islands of Loos. The colonial government developed the Conakry-Kankan railway project. Olivier Sanderval, as we know, was very much in love with Fouta-Djalon, baptized Conakry part of the city Sandervalia. It should be noted that the names of the districts of Conakry have a historical significance: the Kouléwondi district was a space where the monkeys had their residence in this peninsula. To build the city, the Teminê, the Teminey cultural group of Sierra Leone, were called upon to provide important and numerous workers, they were installed and their residence was baptized Téminétaye, the residence of the Teminê (creolization of Temnay-twon).

From Senegal came many workers. They met in front of the school of the Center, they ended up acquiring this concession to build a mosque there: it was named Senegalese Mosque. Too bad, this mosque is still the subject of controversy between natives and Senegalese. The Senegalese Mosque played a very important role in the construction of Conakry. The parents of pupils, while waiting for the children, said their prayers there. The sages of Conakry were very sympathetic, mocking, religious and conciliatory. The first President of the Republic was, from the start, supported and presented to the Soussous of Kaloum by Amara Soumah, that noble Baga from Kaporo. A. Soumah understood quite early that he was mistaken about Sékou Touré, he moved away from it, he opposed the politician until his death. For his personal health and the safety of his family, he settled in Dakar until the death of Sékou Tyran.

France succeeds in its work of training thanks to well-trained teachers and professors. The 29 cities created lived in safety and comfort. Regional languages ​​were spoken by children of all ethnicities. These were cultural “symbioses”: unity in diversity. The competition in the schools was sung but did not exclude. Guinean society at the time was distinguished by tolerance, especially social. Religions, Christianity, Islam, animism, cultivated tolerance.

Alas, this tolerance, Sékou Touré’s group will use it to install its dictatorial regime and make Sékou the man who knows everything. His citations were subtly demanded and proclaimed. His revolutionary “rigor” came before all school, university and social knowledge. These situations have created fear, hypocrisy and impunity of “political and administrative officials”. Political parties must create within themselves “a section of local cultures”. We must review the opportunity of the army: is it necessary to have a national army? A police force, strong and competent, rigorous, transformed, if necessary, into a defense army would be more economical.

Diallo I

#Reminder #reflection #suggestion #Diallo

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