Renaud Muselier attacks the “dirty and scruffy left”, the Nupes counter-attack

by time news

Attack and counter-attack. Renaud Muselier criticized this Thursday the behavior of the deputies of Nupes in the Assembly, a “dirty, scruffy left, which shouts everywhere” according to him, provoking the anger of several deputies, who recalled that he had been elected to the head of the PACA region thanks to the voices of the left.

“You see the dirty, scruffy left, which shouts everywhere”, denounced the president (ex-LR) of the Paca region on BFMTV, evoking “a problem of behavior” of the elected officials of Nupes during the debates in the National Assembly . “You represent the Republic, you have an office, you are not in a playground. (…) You leave the sandbox and you are among the big ones. You must try to behave at this level, ”added the elected official, who supported Emmanuel Macron in the presidential election.

Reply of the rebels

The reply did not take long. “In French, it’s not called ‘shouting everywhere’ but ‘making proposals’ to improve the lives of French people,” replied LFI deputy Manuel Bompard on Twitter. “But staying true to his convictions is difficult to understand for someone who turned his jacket around to get elected with the macronists,” added the right arm of the rebellious leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“Fed up with this contempt and this condescension of elected officials who owe their election to the voices of the left”, also retorted on Twitter Olivier Faure, First Secretary of the PS, recalling that “Musier only won because we we withdrew in the second round to avoid a triangular which would have carried the RN to the presidency of PACA ”.

“I did not elect RN vice-presidents at the head of the National Assembly”

“We weren’t dirty when we called to block the far right by getting a vote for Renaud Muselier”, also remarks the deputy Générations Benjamin Lucas, on Europe 1. “Yes of course, we are shouting in the hemicycle , but (…) the history of the Republic is made up of heated debates, it’s normal, it’s our convictions that we put into play. I was elected because there is anger and that I must take this anger to the National Assembly, ”continues the ecologist deputy.

“I did not elect RN vice-presidents at the head of the National Assembly. That is dirty, that is unworthy and that is very disheveled vis-à-vis the history of our Republic, ”he concluded.

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