Renewable energy development in Vietnam: There are still many barriers | Business

by time news

2023-08-04 00:17:00

Columns wind electricity in Bac Binh district, Binh Thuan province. (Photo: Nguyen Thanh/VNA)

The Prime Minister has issued Decision No. 500/QD-TTg dated May 15, 2023 approving Power Planning VIII; in which, to strongly develop renewable energy sources for electricity production, reaching the rate of about 30.9-39.2% by 2030, with a vision to 2050 the rate of renewable energy is up to 67.5- 71.5%.

This is considered the key to Vietnam’s energy transition and carbon neutrality. However, many experts say that this is still a long story when many barriers are still ahead.

“Circuit” clean electricity

Renewable energy plays an important role and is an indispensable need for sustainable development. However, for many years, after the boom of solar and wind power, clean power projects have almost “stagnated”.

Mr. Nguyen Viet Dung, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Halcom Vietnam, said that electricity prices of all types of renewable energy have decreased significantly.

For example, according to Decision No. 21/2023/QD-TTg, for wind power on land, the price has decreased by 18%, to only 1,587 VND/kWh; The price of wind power at sea decreased by 19.7%, to only 1,815 VND/kWh; Ground solar power decreased by 28%, to 1,184 VND/kWh…

Meanwhile, policies for renewable energy development are not really clear, such as in electricity purchase and sale contract negotiation, electricity selling price; There are no documents and regulations guiding the implementation of renewable energy projects after the approval of Power Plan VIII.

At the same time, the current preferential policies are not attractive to attract foreign investors. This affects investors when investment costs are still large.

Areas with high potential are mostly located in undeveloped areas in terms of infrastructure, causing investors to spend more money to invest in infrastructure (project roads, transmission)…

[Quy hoạch tổng thể Năng lượng Quốc gia 2021-2030, tầm nhìn đến 2050]

Meanwhile, corporate finance is limited, interest rates are high, funding process is long with about 30 types of papers; Especially, the short time of application of preferential prices makes it difficult to negotiate loans for renewable energy projects with large capacity and long construction period, Mr. Dung added.

According to Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, representative of the Vietnam Energy Association, there are 3 major challenges affecting energy transition, including the factor of electricity price in the future, which has a great influence on load demand, energy savings, and energy savings. energy saving, elasticity coefficient.

Besides, managing the demand for distributed energy sources. As small, self-dissipating power sources are not constrained, they are developed rapidly and in large numbers in the future, this can greatly affect load demand and consumption patterns.

Cam Hoa Solar Power Plant has an area of ​​60ha, installed 152,670 solar panels and racks (equivalent to 5,089 battery rigs). (Photo: Vu Sinh/VNA)

Finally, green gas and hydrogen are the two most important sources by 2050. At the stage of energy transition, it is important for Vietnam to have a Green hydrogen Strategy.

The orientation to develop the Green hydrogen Strategy includes clearly defining the role of hydrogen in Vietnam’s energy industry, ensuring the harmonization between renewable energy development and hydrogen consumption.

Waiting for the legal corridor

The supporting mechanisms and policies of the Government over the past time have created a remarkable development of renewable energy. From a negligible capacity in 2018, up to now, the total capacity of power sources using renewable energy has accounted for about 30% of the total capacity of the national electricity system.

However, according to Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, the legal framework has allowed all economic sectors to invest in the transmission grid, but there are no legal documents guiding the implementation, so there is still a lack of conditions for implementation.

Mong Cai city has the advantage of sea and island potential suitable for the development of renewable energy sources. (Photo: broadcast by VNA)

An important missing piece of the regulatory framework for the energy sector is the Renewable Energy Law. It is necessary to study and issue a detailed Renewable Energy Law soon, with a key role for Vietnam’s energy transition in the near future.

In particular, it is necessary to concretize in the law strong and stable supporting mechanisms and policies in the long run to ensure the energy transfer sustainable and reasonable.

Mr. Nguyen Viet Dung said that authorities should have preferential policies, prices, tax rates and support investors in borrowing capital for implementation of renewable energy projects… At the same time, soon complete the legal framework. The management includes documents guiding the implementation of Power Planning VIII, incentive mechanisms, direct power purchase and sale contracts, etc. for projects so that investors have a basis for calculation and investment preparation.

According to international recommendations, countries pursuing a low-carbon development strategy will have a higher chance of accessing resources for economic development in the 21st century.

In fact, the mechanisms to encourage the development of renewable energy have not yet provided a long-term orientation, and many policies are still inadequate. Investing in projects with large capital needs and high risks, financial institutions and commercial banks are often not ready to lend to investment projects in the field of renewable energy.

The lack of regulations and standards applied to technologies recycled energyThis also causes many difficulties for project investors, as well as for state management agencies.

The FIT price for projects is generally applied, regardless of size, also leads to inadequacies, large-scale projects will bring higher efficiency than smaller-scale projects if there are natural conditions. similar nature.

Energy expert Nguyen Van Vy said that the renewable energy market needs clear policies and legal procedures to increase investors’ interest. Regulators need to devise policies with conditions that create a stable and predictable investment environment, help overcome barriers and ensure predictable revenue streams of projects… /.

Duc Dung (VNA/Vietnam+)

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