Reopening decree, ok in the Conference of the Regions with 2 proposals of the Valle d’Aosta

by time news

One of the two amendments proposes to eliminate the automatism of the red zone over 250 infections per 100,000 inhabitants

AOSTA. The mere exceeding of the 250 cases of contagion from Covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants could no longer automatically lead to the entry of a region in the red zone. This is foreseen by an amendment to the Reopening Decree which, as reported by the regional health department, was proposed by the Aosta Valley and accepted by the Health Commission of the Conference of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces.

More specifically, the amendment provides that “the automatic introduction of the red zone linked to the numerical value of the 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants may fail, in cases where the other monitoring indicators (such as timely RT ) are compatible, on the other hand, with a type 1 scenario (low risk) “.

A second amendment also approved by the Health Commission of the Conference of Regions, which hopefully will be included in the decree being converted, refers to the recent decisions of the European Parliament and asks to extend the validity of the green pass from 6 to 12 months for those who have completed the vaccination cycle against Sars-Cov-2.

“We are confident – says the regional councilor for health, Roberto Barmasse – that the amendments we have proposed and approved in the Health Commission will be able to obtain the special attention that our regional context, so specific, deserves. Context that does not always allow us to apply tout court the norms approved at national level, without this having penalizing repercussions for our reality “.



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