Repairs of electrical appliances more expensive since the creation of the state bonus, according to a report

by time news

2024-01-04 08:57:31

By Le Figaro with AFP

Posted 22 minutes ago

Several factors combine: the windfall effect, but also the increase in costs due to inflation, the complexity of certain repairs, underlines the report. mitand73 /

After combing through more than a hundred thousand repairs, the consumer association CLCV notes price increases ranging from 12% to 18% for a large number of electronic devices.

Windfall or inflation? The price of repairs for electrical and electronic devices has increased on average by 10 to 15% over the past year and the implementation of aid intended to encourage repairs, according to the consumer defense association CLCV. The organization analyzed the approximately 160,000 repairs of televisions, dishwashers and other refrigerators carried out in 2023 with the support of the “repair bonus». Ce «bonus», created by law in 2020 and implemented in December 2022, covers part of the cost of the work, to encourage consumers to repair rather than repurchase.

But according to CLCV’s report, “price increases should be noted during the implementation of the repair bonus“, with “an upward trend in the average repair cost“. Between January and November 2023, the average bill to repair washing machines, built-in ovens or cookers increased by 12%. The increase was 14% for televisions. For cell phones, it’s +18%. The average bill, on the other hand, fell by 4% for potable computers. Several factors combine: the windfall effect, but also the increase in costs due to inflation, the complexity of certain repairs, underlines the report, which recommends that customers “bring in competition». «Constant monitoring of rates (…) is essential to ensure the long-term effectiveness of the repair fund», adds CLCV to the public authorities.

The repair bonus got off to a rocky start, with a gradual labeling of repairers, today numbering 4,700 but still unevenly distributed across the country (the North, Paris and Bouches-du-Rhône being the least well served by many). ‘residents). The list of eligible products has been gradually expanded, from 14 when the fund opened at the end of 2022 to 75 today. Since January 1, its amount has been increased by 5 euros for 21 products such as hobs, hoods, cookers, toasters, irons, and doubled for 5 others among the most frequently repaired (televisions, vacuum cleaners, washing machines). -laundry, dishwasher, dryer). Now this support ranges from 15 to 60 euros depending on the devices, financed by the “eco-contribution» included in the price of new devices.

However, the growth in the number of repairers labeled “QualiRepar” stay “below initial expectations», adds CLCV, which notably mentions the administrative constraints and costs of the process, particularly for small businesses. The eco-organizations Ecosystem and Ecologic, which manage the end of life of electrical appliances, have planned to reduce the cost of labeling from 447 to 200 euros for three years. The electrical and electronic equipment sector produces some 1.8 million tonnes of waste annually, according to a study by the Sofies council.

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