2024-08-15 13:54:08
he vegetarianism It is a movement that has grown by leaps and bounds in our country since the last decade of the 20th century. The modification of eating habits, and even more so in a country as proud of its meat as Argentina, was contributing to fans who turned heavily to vegetables.
In this context, and in view of the great benefits for their health that they recognized, many national show business stars were also involved without including meat consumption in their habits. But, now, something is changing. Today, celebrities announced their no meat intakeand who even encouraged their followers to imitate them by giving them recipes and tips to replace that food in their diets, change sides.
Agustina Cherry She was the last person to join the list of media outlets who admit to becoming omnivores again. His confession was also striking since the actor was one of the great promoters of macrobiotic and vegetarian cuisine to the point that, as children, his children were prohibited from eating not only meat, but also soft drinks, sweets and dairy.
“I was a vegetarian for 16 years.“Since my last pregnancy I began to incorporate all kinds of food, I felt like eating meat again, and I gave way to my need,” the actress had a strong response when she was consulted online about her eating habits.
His fans were surprised acknowledging Cherri, who was one of the biggest promoters of this type of diet and even used to consult her on her networks for recipes of this type. Cherri explained that even after pregnancy, she did not back down from her decision and adopted an omnivorous diet. “Today I eat very balanced and everything,” he said.
Cherri’s change was also surprising because in 2016, in an interview with Caras magazine, she pointed out that vegetarianism changed her health for the better: “I feel better. My eyesight and hair are better and I wake up with more energy. than ever. Apart from the physical, which is great because I work with my body, the change in diet helped me in many things,” he said at that time.
Cherri’s retreat is not the only one. Jimena Barón acknowledged a similar “need”. when he said he left behind the 100% vegetable diet. “I stopped after three years (of being vegetarian). I don’t know how I will continue, but now I feel I have to,” he explained last year.
The actor and singer made the decision resume meat intake when she was focused on doing the “Mala Sangre Tour” which required a huge physical effort and the need to incorporate more protein in her diet to cope with her busy day to day life. In addition, at that time, Barón was swimming, so his daily caloric expenditure was high.
Despite the defect of these stars from the vegetarian hosts, the movement continues to grow in the country. In a study carried out by the Vegan Union of Argentina (UVA) in collaboration with the company Kantar Insights Division in 2020, it was found that the vegetarian and vegan community in Argentina at that time consisted of 12 percent of the population nationally, that is, about 5 million people. Other studies put the number of vegetarians in the country at around 7 to 9 percent of the national population, more in line with the average in other countries in the Western Hemisphere.
In addition, studies on the subject confirm that, within the spectrum of vegetarians, one of the fastest growing trends is the flexitarians, that is, those who eat mainly plant foods but add meat or fish from time to time In this sense, The Covid-19 pandemic has led many people to return to eating meat. On the one hand, social isolation measures encouraged culinary creativity and many recipes including meat. But for others it was because, when faced with the unknown virus, they felt that meat improved their health. This was the case of Ginette Reynal, who left vegetarianism after eight years.
“I had Covid, I lost ten kilos in ten days, I lost hair. I spent ten days with fever, not eating, vomiting and feeling terrible. Me it took a lot to recover and I started eating meat again. I felt like it and I didn’t question it, on the contrary, I realized that we often don’t allow natural things. The body knows and is smart and what it wants is good. You have to listen to it. I eat everything and I love exotic flavors and spices,” said Reynal about his change.
In addition, there is another reason that makes many to abandon the exclusion of vegetables and include meat again on a regular basis and that is the abundance of ultra-processed foods. The reason was the British actor Martin Freemanprotagonist “The Hobbit” and “Sherlock”, to resume eating meat. “After 38 years I chose to eat meat over any ultra-processed food,” he said. Out of a simple desire, to take care of their health or even to reaffirm the need to eat healthy, many are abandoning vegetarian diets or, at least, allowing themselves to eat a good hamburger from time to time.
by RN
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#Repentant #vegans #cases #famous #people #returned #meat