Replacing your bathtub with a shower also attracts young people

by time news

Replacing a bathtub with a shower is a request often made by elderly people who can no longer step over it, but it is also a solution sought by young people. “Our youngest client is 30 years old. He is a young working man and he had just bought a dwelling in which there was a bathtub that he did not wish to use. More and more young working people want to replace their bathtub with a shower for economic and ecological reasons.», emphasizes Stéphane Rakotomalala, founder of Evolyo, a patented floor-level shower concept with a large entrance.

The patented shower, which makes it possible to replace a bathtub with a shower as well as old cracked showers, is non-slip and therefore reassuring for seniors, but water savings and with them a reduced bill, also appeal to young people. The shower’s evolving design also broadens the target audience. We are not only faced with showers equipped for the elderly, with grab bars and shower seats, but with modular equipment with sliding doors or not, basic or more designer taps.

This customizable system thus occupies the space left by the old bathtub and adapts to all dimensions. Composed of a sanitary resin shell and a receiver that can be intersected on site at the private individual’s, it completely fills the void. Then, aluminum covering panels are fixed to the wall. And all of this can be installed in a day, without having to touch the pipes or modify the tiling. Similarly, at Leda, a company specializing in shower equipment, a shower can be fitted to replace a bathtub without major work, to the exact dimensions of the desired layout.

About 2000 euros installation included

Replacing a bathtub with a shower would cost around 6,400 euros according to a study of 60 million consumers from September 2019. Today, the cost has increased even further, given soaring material prices. “We offer a mostly online process for project estimates and simulation. We move only for the installation of the shower. We therefore divide the prices by two or three depending on the model chosen. The entry-level is 2000 euros, installation included», assures Stéphane Rakotomalala who presents his company as «the Ryanair of the shower“. Removing intermediaries also reduces costs. Then count 4 to 8 weeks between the order and the installation of the shower, depending on the model chosen.

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