Report in the US: This is how the classified documents arrived at Donald Trump’s estate

by time news

CNN in the USA published today (Friday) an exclusive report on how the classified documents arrived at the estate of the former President of the United States Donald Trumpfrom which it appears that the FBI’s investigation revealed that Trump’s former team worked to transfer the same documents.

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According to the report, the FBI investigation shows that a former Trump aide downloaded classified materials found in one of the boxes in the White House using her phone to later copy them to the laptop. After that, she was interrogated and brought to the investigators the password to the same laptop to which the documents were copied.

If that’s not enough, the investigation reveals that the same classified information was all uploaded to an internet cloud backup, sent via an email from an employee of Trump’s, and when the physical information box itself was taken from the White House, he stayed in another place other than Trump’s mansion and only then returned to the US President’s home former.

The documents found in Trump’s mansion (Photo: REUTERS/Jim Bourg)

The documents found in Trump’s mansion (Photo: REUTERS/Jim Bourg)

Trump’s legal team also admitted that in the last few weeks, before they had even left the White House, they handed over the box and the laptop containing the scanned contents to Trump’s adviser, but the investigators insisted on checking with them why this information was not given to the Ministry of Justice for approval before it was transferred outside of Washington.

One of the investigators described the movements of the box with the classified documents as “playing with a bomb.” The researcher added that the movement of the box outside the White House and Trump’s instructions to the team are a central part of the legal investigation.

Donald Trump (Photo: Reuters)

Donald Trump (Photo: Reuters)

“After we did the search at Trump’s house and found out inside that box out of thousands of pages that there were a few single ones with a little marking at the bottom, we realized that Trump’s employee had scanned the box so that it would be digitized. She had no idea that there were classification marks on anything. And once we found out about it , we called the Ministry of Justice to inform them and access was immediately granted to check.”

As you may recall, last summer over 320 classified documents were found in Trump’s estate, where, among other things, documents were found that included highly sensitive information such as classified material on Iran’s missile program, as well as “sensitive intelligence work” on China.

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