Report: It was the USA that blew up the Nord Stream pipelines

by time news

Today (Wednesday), a Russian blogger published a report she claims was written by Seymour Hersh, an esteemed Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist, according to which the United States is behind the explosion of the Nordstream 1 and Nordstream 2 natural gas pipelines last year. According to the publication, the operation was carried out with the assistance of Norway. The Americans denied the investigation and said that it was a “completely false fiction”. Hersh himself did not deny that he conducted the investigation.

According to the publication, the explosives were buried under the pipelines by US Navy divers under the guise of NATO naval exercises and it was Norway that activated them, upon receiving the order from the United States. The relevant order. The report claims that the decision to sabotage the pipelines was approved by the President of the United States And Biden, after a nine-month discussion with senior officials of the American security establishment. The main concern, it was claimed, was not whether to blow up the pipelines – but about how evidence would disappear.

The blogger’s publication also stated that Biden feared that Russian President Vladimir Putin would turn natural gas into a weapon in order to fulfill his political and territorial ambitions. According to the investigation, the reason why the Norwegians cooperated with the Americans is that sabotaging the pipelines would allow them to sell much more of their natural gas to Europe.

Putin presses the gas Listen to draw another day

Seymour Hersh used to be considered the leading investigator in the United States and revealed, among other things, the May Lee massacre in the Vietnam War and the horrors of the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. In recent years, he has been criticized for adopting conspiracy theories and, among other things, adopting the claims of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The leaks in the gas pipelines between Germany and Russia, which pass through the Baltic Sea, were located near Denmark in September 2022. The pipelines, which are intended to double the amount of gas transferred from Russia to Germany, were completed about a year and a half ago, but with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the German Chancellor decided not to activate the pipeline, and 300 million Cubic meters have remained inside the pipe since then.

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