Report: Likud’s initiative to disqualify Arab Knesset members “who expressed support for terrorism”

by time news

A proposal recently submitted to the Knesset table by the chairman of the coalition, Knesset member Ofir Katz (Likud), seeks to change the criteria so that the Supreme Court will have difficulty in the future overturning the disqualification of Arab Knesset members for supporting terrorism, it was reported this evening (Tuesday). In the news 12. Today, in order to lead to this type of disqualification, a significant mass of support for the hazards must be proven.

According to the bill, the presentation of statements supporting terrorism could lead to such a disqualification. According to the report, the coalition is waiting for the passage of the passage of the enhancement clause, in order to carry out actual moves to disqualify the members of the Knesset who support terrorism, as mentioned, for fear that moves of this type will be rejected by the High Court.

The new criteria that will be proposed for the disqualification of Knesset members, according to MK Katz’s bill: individual expressions of support for terrorism will be grounds for disqualification from running, support for a single threat will also be considered grounds for disqualification, it will also be possible to disqualify a party that is contesting within a list (such as Balad in the election campaign the last one).

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