Report: Putin’s generals are anxious about continued fighting; “mass slaughter”

by time news

The Russian commanders are worried about Putin’s demand for a new attack on several fronts in Ukraine. According to experts, the top fear a “mass slaughter” after losing hope of winning the war. The Kremlin has lost more than 175,000 soldiers so far Putin’s demand for another attack caused deep divisions in the high command

The Russian elite is reeling from Putin’s demand for an urgent new military offensive on several fronts in Ukraine, where a “massacre” is feared after a new analysis suggests the Kremlin has so far lost more than 175,000 troops in the war.

Putin’s demand from his wartime high command, led by General Valery Gerasimov, to unleash a ‘multipronged attack at once’ has fueled deep divisions within his high command, political analyst Valery Solovy has claimed.

Dr. Solovy is a former professor at the prestigious Moscow Institute of International Relations, a training school for diplomats and spies. He said on the opposition-supporting Khodorkovsky Telegram channel: “The General Staff of the Army is terrified of Commander-in-Chief Putin’s instructions. I am not exaggerating. They are horrified, They fear losing the remaining armed forces with death in a massacre by the Ukrainian army.”

It was also reported that although senior commanders have given up on winning the war, they will obey Putin. “This attack is planned for February. And Gerasimov, a close ally of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, is “the most capable of Russian generals.”

“But the general leadership is afraid that they won’t be able to arrive in time, because Ukraine might get a new weapon – more dangerous, more modern, and more aggressive than the West, that’s why now is the last chance to try to hurt Ukraine, but not with the aim of winning,” said Dr. Solovey. “It is very important to understand this. There is no longer such a goal at all, the goal is completely different – to end it in a respectable way. That is, to achieve peace.”

The Telegram channel General SVR reported that “Russian military deaths are more than 126,500, an increase of more than 20,000 this month. On top of that, more than 44,000 dead in pro-Kremlin private units operating in Ukraine to support Putin’s illegal invasion.”

If true, that means more than 10,000 have been lost in the fierce fighting this month at these private military companies — the best known of which is Wagner, which is staffed mostly by prisoners released from Russian prisons to fight for Putin. Additionally, more than 6,250 Russian National Guardsmen were killed. The total number of dead and wounded is 176,863 according to the channel.

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