Report: The United States withdrew its intention to open a consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem

by time news

The United States withdrew its intention to open a consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem, the Times of Israel reported today (Wednesday). I want to open a second front when the consulate reopens. “

MK Nir Barkat of the Likud responded that “several months ago, I took on the task of preventing the establishment of a Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem. Together with partners in Israel and abroad, we have made a move. “A special law in Congress, in parallel with the bill I submitted to the Knesset – and it seems that we have succeeded at this stage in stopping the dangerous move. We are not complacent and we will continue the struggle to keep Jerusalem the eternal capital of Israel. Thank you to all the partners.”

During the Biden-Bennett meeting, the American president made it clear that he did not intend to abandon his plan to reopen the American consulate in Jerusalem, according to senior Israeli and American officials who were updated in detail at the meeting.

Naftali Bennett and Joe Biden (Photo: Avi Ohayon, GPO)
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The American Consulate in Jerusalem, established in the 19th century, managed relations between the United States and the Palestinian Authority for 25 years, until in 2019 it was closed by the Trump administration and merged into the United States Embassy in Israel. Its reopening appears to be an issue with the potential for creating tension between the White House and the new government in Israel.

Senior Israeli and American officials noted that Biden raised the issue of opening the consulate several times in his meeting with Bennett – both during their face-to-face conversation and in the complex meeting that took place shortly thereafter. Biden stressed that reopening the consulate is an election guarantee he gave and stressed that Foreign Minister Blinken had already said in his voice during his visit to Israel in May that the consulate would reopen.

Bennett for his part made it clear to Biden that he opposed it but suggested that teams from both sides discuss it to find an acceptable solution on both sides. The White House declined to comment on the details of the conversation between Biden and Bennett. The Biden government has already agreed once to the request of the Israeli government and delayed the procedures for reopening the consulate until after the transfer of the budget to the Knesset in November.

Senior government ministers see the consulate issue as a hot political potato that could undermine coalition stability. The Israeli government will have to give its consent to the reopening of the American Consulate in Jerusalem. If one of the coalition members defects due to the reopening of the consulate, the government could fall.


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