Reports: Netanyahu will announce the suspension of the legislation in the coming hours

by time news

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is expected to announce this morning (Monday) the suspension of legislation for the reform of the judicial system, according to a report on N12. Along with this intention, and at the request of Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri, “Deri Law 2” will be frozen and will not come up for legislation today as planned. At the same time, the Constitution Committee approved the bill to change the Committee for the Selection of Judges for a second and third reading.

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The Religious Zionist Party: “Not to stop the legislation in any way”

The Religious Zionist Party announced that it opposes stopping the legislation: “After much deliberation and consultation, our position is that the legislation should not be stopped in any way. Stopping the legislation would be a surrender to violence, anarchy, the reluctance and tyranny of the minority and would spoil the results of the elections. We were and remain followers of discourse, compromises and agreements, but not under Threats of a coup by the centers of power on Israeli democracy.”

Reports: At the request of MK Aryeh Deri, “Deri Law 2” will be frozen and will not be put to a vote

The bill, according to which the court would be prevented from engaging in the appointment of ministers, was supposed to be put to a vote in the Knesset plenum. At the request of Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri, and against the background of reports that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will announce a halt to the legal revolution legislation, the law will be frozen and will not come up for a vote.

The proposal to change the composition of the Committee for the Appointment of Judges was approved for second and third reading

Despite the reports that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is expected to stop the legislation, the Constitutional Committee approved in second and third reading the Basic Law: The Judiciary (changing the composition of the Committee for the Appointment of Judges), subject to revision (repeat vote in the committee).

The Secretary General of the Teachers Union calls for the legislation to be stopped

The Secretary General of the Teachers’ Union, Yaffe Ben David, at the end of an emergency meeting she convened this morning: “Mr. Prime Minister, stop the legislation. We are on the eve of Passover, the eve of leaving slavery for freedom and unfortunately, after multiple attempts to influence quietly from within, after many conversations with representatives in the coalition, we have no choice but to stand up and make sure that no party tries to harm us.
The Teachers’ Union was established almost 120 years ago and is the oldest labor union in Israel, representing approximately 170,000 women and men, most of them women. We cannot sit quietly when the legislation will inevitably lead to the destruction of organized labor in Israel!
We cannot remain silent when they try to cancel the right to organize, the right to strike and the basic right that every worker in the State of Israel has – the right to a hearing! Organized labor in Israel cannot be destroyed.
Tomorrow the students of Israel leave for the Passover holiday. I hope when they go back to school in about two weeks, all of this will be behind us.
I call the coalition factions – his skin! Come to your senses. Changes and improvements are needed in the legal system in Israel, but not like this! Changes must be led by broad consensus. As educators, we must concentrate at this time on bridging the deep divisions that led to violence in Israeli society that permeates the education system. We have no other country.”

The Histadrut is expected to announce a strike in the economy

The Histadrut and the business sector will hold a press conference in the next hour, where they are expected to announce a strike in the economy if the legislation is not stopped and negotiations regarding the reform begin.

“Security with the people of Israel and the integrity of society are above all else,” said Bar-David. “On the eve of the national holidays and days, all parties must show responsibility and leadership. I call on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu: This is the time to stop and unite the people! Sit down and talk – because we don’t have another country.”

The universities are on strike, some colleges are joining the strike

The heads of the universities announced a day of strike and a number of colleges announced that they would join the strike, among them: Bezalel, Emek Jezreel Academic, Rupen, Tel-Hai and Shenkar. The heads of local authorities began a hunger strike this morning in front of the Prime Minister’s office demanding to “stop the disaster that Israel is rushing towards”.

According to two reports: Netanyahu is expected to announce the suspension of the legislation

According to an N12 report, Prime Minister Netanyahu will deliver a speech to the nation this morning, in which he is expected to announce the suspension of the legal revolution legislation and refer to the dismissal of Defense Minister Galant.

Director General of the Ministry of Health: There will be no enforcement of doctors’ absence from work as part of the protest

Director General of the Ministry of Health Moshe Bar Siman-Tov Clarifies that there will be no enforcement regarding the absence of employees from the system today. The words were said against the background of the intention of doctors to be absent from their laboratory and participate in the protest.

Herzog: “I call on you to stop the legislative process immediately, for the sake of unity with the people of Israel”

the president Yitzhak Herzog He referred this morning to the dismissal of Defense Minister Yoav Galant and the protests that arose as a result.

“We saw very difficult scenes tonight. I am addressing the Prime Minister, the members of the government and the companies and members of the coalition: the feelings are difficult and painful. A deep concern surrounds the entire nation. Security, the economy, society – all are threatened. The eyes of the entire people of Israel are on you. The eyes of the entire Jewish people are on you. The eyes of the whole world are on you.
For the sake of the unity of the people of Israel, for the sake of the responsibility, I call on you to stop the legislative process immediately. I appeal to the heads of all Knesset factions, coalition and opposition alike, to put the citizens of the country above all else, and to act responsibly and courageously without further delay.
Come to your senses now! This is not a political moment, this is a moment for leadership and responsibility.”

the president Yitzhak Herzog This morning referred to the Gallant firings and the protests that took place during the night.

“We saw very difficult plays tonight,” the president wrote. “I am addressing the prime minister, the members of the government and the companies and members of the coalition: the feelings are difficult and painful. Deep concern surrounds the entire nation. Security, the economy, society – all are threatened. The eyes of the entire people of Israel are on you. The eyes of the entire Jewish people are on you. The eyes of the entire world are on you. to you”.

“For the sake of unity with the people of Israel, for the sake of responsibility, I call on you to stop the legislative process immediately,” Herzog added, “I appeal to the heads of all factions of the Knesset, coalition and opposition alike, to put the citizens of the country above all else, and to act responsibly and courageously without further delay. Come to your senses now This is not a political moment, this is a moment for leadership and responsibility.”

The heads of the universities announced a day of strike and a number of colleges announced that they would join the strike, among them: Bezalel, Emek Jezreel Academic, Rupen, Tel-Hai and Shenkar. The heads of local authorities will start a hunger strike this morning in front of the Prime Minister’s office demanding to “stop the disaster that Israel is rushing towards”.

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