Reports that 5. 8 crore people in US have vaccinated booster dose so far || It is estimated that 5.8 million people in the United States have been vaccinated against the booster dose so far

by time news

It is estimated that 5.82 crore people in the United States have been vaccinated with the 3rd dose of the ‘booster’ vaccine so far.

Record: December 19, 2021 03:58


The United States tops the list of countries most affected by corona worldwide. The United States has been hit hardest by the corona virus. The government, led by President Joe Biden, is actively pursuing corona prevention measures.

Corona vaccines manufactured by Moderna, Pfizer / Bioendech and Johnson & Johnson are being marketed to the general public in the United States. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says a total of 49,00,30,849 vaccine doses have been given to the public in the United States so far.

Of these, 24,07,75,382 have been vaccinated with the first dose so far, and 20,34,79,206 have received 2 doses of the vaccine, according to the U.S. Department of Health. About 5.82 crore people have so far been vaccinated against the 3rd dose ‘booster’ vaccine by Pfizer and Moderna.

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