Representative exchange rates for foreign currencies – 03/03/2022

by time news

The Markets Division of the Bank of Israel is updating today (Thursday) from the trading room the representative exchange rates for foreign currencies as of 03/03/2022.

GateCountryUnits and currency
3.2400United States$ 1
4.3329UK£ 1
2.7991Japan100 in.
3.5900European Monetary Union1 Euro
2.3660Australia$ 1
2.5652Canada$ 1
0.4825Denmark1 crown
0.3642Norway1 crown
0.2121South Africa1 Rand
0.3333Sweden1 crown
3.5219Switzerland1 franc
4.5695Jordan Banknotes1 dinar
0.0214Lebanon Banknotes10 pounds
0.2057Egypt banknotes1 pound

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