Republican Mike Johnson is the new speaker of the US House

by time news

2023-10-25 23:42:26

Mike Johnson of Louisiana received the majority of votes and is the duly elected Speaker of the House of Representatives of the 118th Congress. Americans have elected a Trump supporter as the new speaker of the House of Representatives.

The new Speaker of the US House, Mike Johnson, said: ‘The first bill I introduce here will be in support of our dear friend Israel.’

‘I believe the Scriptures and the Bible are very clear that God is the one who resurrected each of you and God allowed us to be brought here at this specific moment in time,’ Mike Johnson later added.

Mike Johnson is a constitutional lawyer, Christian and is 100% pro-LIFE. He is in favor of criminalizing late-term abortion or abortion performed ‘at/during birth.’

He has also sponsored at least three pro-life bills: HR705 – Heartbeat Protection Act of 2021, HR1080 – Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and HR8814 – Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act of unborn children capable of feeling pain from late-term abortions).

The Family Research Council recently awarded Johnson its “True Blue” award for earning a 100% rating on critical pro-life and pro-family ratings.

As CatholicVote reported in August, Johnson co-signed a letter with Jordan informing FBI Director Chris Wray that the infamous anti-Catholic memo was not limited to just one FBI office in Richmond, Virginia, despite the prosecutor’s assurances General Merrick Garland that federal law agencies were not targeting Catholics (the FBI, in an internal briefing, had equated traditionalist Catholics with terrorists).


– Voted against aid to Ukraine. Johnson voted against the $39.8 billion aid package for Ukraine. He argues that the United States should not send that amount of money abroad, given domestic issues such as border security and the economy (he did not vote for any funding for Ukraine other than the bill initial financing).

– Johnson objected to the certification of Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election. He helped Donald Trump continue to fight the election results and led a legal attack arguing that pandemic-related voting restrictions are unconstitutional.

– Trump ally: Johnson has close ties to former President Donald Trump and was part of his legal defense team during both impeachment trials. He called the accusations against Trump false.

– Supports LGBTQ restrictions: Johnson has taken far-right positions on social issues within the GOP, including introducing legislation to limit discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in federally funded institutions. Additionally, he voted against legalizing same-sex marriage and recently held hearings on limiting medical support for sex reassignment surgery.

In 2019, Mike Johnson called for Nancy Pelosi’s arrest after she ripped Trump’s State of the Union speech in half.

Before the vote, former President Donald Trump praised Johnson and other Republican representatives, indicating that they are beyond reproach and represent the best of the Republican Party. But Trump has strongly suggested he supports Mike Johnson as the primary candidate.”

A new and very unpleasant reality for Biden. The third place in the country is now occupied by a man who insists on the impeachment of the president of the United States and supports his main rival.

#Republican #Mike #Johnson #speaker #House

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