Republicans ready to vote for “just reform”, says Eric Ciotti

by time news

The Les Républicains (LR) group holds the key to the adoption, without the constitutional weapon of 49.3, of the pension reform bill. And its president Eric Ciotti intends to make the voice of the right-wing party heard in the ear of the government.

“The budgetary, demographic and economic situation imposes this reform” et “I therefore wish to be able to vote for a fair reform that saves our pay-as-you-go pension system”said in an interview with Sunday newspaper (JDD) of January 8, the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes.

“Politically, the right of government has always supported the need for a pension reform which leads to working a little more”and voting it is “a question of consistency and responsibility”, supports the president of the Republicans. But, he adds, ” to catch up [le] wasted time “Emmanuel Macron “proposes in the midst of an economic and social crisis a reform which appears, in the eyes of the French, to be much too severe”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: “And if we let French seniors choose the age of their departure, between 62 and 67? »

A reform which must “spread over two five-year terms”

Thus Eric Ciotti asked the Prime Minister “to mitigate the brutality of the reform”. According to him, she must “spread over two five-year terms”with an increase in the legal age of departure to 63 years in 2027 then 64 years in 2032. This is what the head of government could announce on Tuesday, after having considered 65 years.

The minimum pension of 1,200 euros programmed by the executive must apply to new entrants and also “retroactively to current retirees who benefit from the most modest pensions”what “will be one of the conditions of our vote”, warns the leader of the right-wing party in the JDD. Was he heard by Elisabeth Borne, met on Thursday? “Spontaneously, I will answer yes”replies Mr. Ciotti, who is however awaiting his announcements on Tuesday “with care”.

“I strive to ensure, in particular with Olivier Marleix, Bruno Retailleau and Aurélien Pradié, that the position of our political family is, of course, unique and responsible. I have no doubt that it will.”he adds about the different sensitivities between LR deputies and senators.

Read also: Pension reform: questions to understand its contours and challenges

Pension reform: a project already contested

By emphasizing the raising of the retirement age as the main measure, the reform leaves the realities of the labor market for seniors in the shadows.

  • “And if we let French seniors choose the age of their departure, between 62 and 67? », by Nicolas Moreau, professor of economics at the University of Réunion, and Elena Stancanelli, CNRS research director and professor at the Paris School of Economics
  • “Presenting the pension reform as fair for women is a sales pitch”, by Christiane Marty, engineer-researcher, member of the scientific council of Attac and the Copernic Foundation
  • “The effects of age are neither uniform nor systematic”, by Corinne Gaudart, ergonomist, CNRS research director at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Economic Sociology (Lise, CNAM) and member of the Center for Research on Experience, the age and populations at work (Creapt), and Serge Volkoff, Insee administrator (retired), associate researcher at the Center for Employment and Labor Studies (CEET/Cnam) and member of Creapt
  • “Relying on erroneous economic software, the right and then Macronie have persisted for twenty years in an impasse”, by Jean Vercherand, economist and historian at the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Agriculture environment

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