Research finds substance “cytokine” causing osteoarthritis, suggesting vitamin D-E supplementation helps slow down disease : PPTVHD36

by time news

as the age increases Many older people will begin to walk slower. Difficult to go up and down stairs or walking each time, there will be a rustling sound in the verse Sometimes there may also be joint pain. whether knee hip joint or knuckle These are all warning signs. “Osteoarthritis”, which is often found in the elderly.

This disease is not life threatening. But it undermines happiness and quality of life quite a bit. because incurable and the more Thai people are now living longer More and more patients with this disease.

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Professor Sittisak Hansawek, MD.

Therefore, if the trend of disease severity can be predicted We can find a way to reduce or slow down the severity of the disease. Professor Sittisak Hansawek, Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University initiate a research project “Cytokines and biochemicals as an indicator and target for the treatment of osteoarthritis.” More than 10 years until receiving the award for outstanding research work of Chulalongkorn University personnel Health Sciences for the year 2021 has the following interesting information:

cytokines and mechanisms of osteoarthritis

From the study of the mechanism of osteoarthritis, it was found that some cytokines.” contributing to osteoarthritis and more severe disease

Cytokines are proteins secreted by inflammatory cells within the joints. Cytokines and biochemicals stimulate cartilage cells to secrete other substances, such as those that aid in the formation and breakdown of cartilage. An imbalance of cytokines stimulates the rapid deterioration of cartilage. make the joints more deteriorating

know osteoarthritis

The main cause of osteoarthritis is the quality of the cartilage in the joints that deteriorates with age. Occurs in people aged 40 years and over and will be evident in those aged 60 years and older. The likelihood of developing osteoarthritis is higher. From the past statistics, it was found that more than 50 percent of people aged 70 years and over had osteoarthritis.

joints of various organs Throughout the body, there are two pieces of bone: hard bone and articular cartilage. when people get older The quality of cartilage formation has decreased. As a result, the function of cartilage is lost. The body stimulates cartilage cells to produce cytokines. causing inflammation of the tissues around the joints, tendons and muscles But the most common is the knee joint. followed by hip and finger joints

apart from age Women are 2 to 3 times more likely to develop osteoarthritis than men because women enter menopause. Hormones in the body that stimulate cells are reduced, affecting the quality of cartilage. moreover Another risk factor is body weight that contributes to more severe osteoarthritis.

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Research has found a substance

symptoms of osteoarthritis

The severity of osteoarthritis varies with the duration of the disease. In the early stages, joint pain occurs when walking, standing or going up and down stairs. Then it starts to have stiff joints, loud noises, walk for a while and have to sit and rest. Symptoms improve when the use of the joint is stopped.

If osteoarthritis is in a severe stage The patient will have pain, swelling in the joints and inflammation. Can’t bend and stretch around the joints fully. in a large number The joints are distorted, the knees are bent, the fingers are crooked. When X-rays, it is found that bone regeneration is formed around the joint to penetrate the tissue in the knee joint. causing inflammation and pain in the knee joint

This disease is not fatal. but making it impossible to live a normal life worse quality of life Patients with this disease for a long time Muscles may atrophy due to inactivity and there is a 50% chance of osteoarthritis of both knees.

It can be treated even if it is not completely cured.

Even though osteoarthritis is not cured But there are ways to improve quality of life and reduce pain. There are currently three approaches to treatment, depending on the severity of the disease. Starting from not using drugs drug treatment and surgery as a last resort

  • treatment without drugs

80% of osteoarthritis patients are overweight. Therefore, proper weight control This will reduce the force acting on the joints. and help the symptoms of deterioration improve

how to calculate overweight Look at your body mass index or Body Mass Index (BMI) using your body weight. Divided by the height in meters squared. If it is in the range of 18-23, it is considered appropriate. Another easy way to calculate overweight is to subtract your height by 100. If your weight is greater than the result, you’re overweight.

In addition, it is recommended that the muscles around the joints be strengthened at all times. especially the knee With legs stretched for 10 seconds and then lowered. Do 20 times a day, 20 times each round if you have ankle support equipment such as wearing a collar or walking cane. will help make walking better

  • drug treatment

It is currently being treated using medications such as pain relievers. muscle relaxant Anti-inflammatory drugs and injections, including synovial fluid injection. and injecting the patient’s platelet concentration into the joints to help reduce inflammation. This makes people with osteoarthritis in the early stages have better symptoms.

If there is joint pain in the first 24 hours, apply a cold compress. To cool to relieve pain from inflammation. When symptoms improve and chronic pain recurs, warm compresses should be applied. This will make the blood flow in that area better. relax the muscles

  • surgical treatment

This method is used for patients with severe symptoms, such as deformities, or severe pain that affects work and life. However, there are many types of surgery such as laparoscopic surgery to clean the joints. Remove broken or loose bone fragments inside the joint. Corrective surgery to straighten deformed joints

The last method is knee replacement surgery. This will help improve the quality of life of patients. able to return to normal life But how long the artificial knee joint will last depends on the care.

Research foundVitamin D-E” Really helps reduce joint pain

In addition to studying the mechanism of disease The project also examined the efficacy of vitamin D2 supplementation in 200 osteoarthritis patients treated at the orthopedic department. Chulalongkorn Hospital

Patients with osteoarthritis aged 60 years and over with a body vitamin D test result of less than 30 nanograms per milliliter were given to patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Take vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol, 20,000 unit/tablet) twice a week for 6 months.

Studies have shown that vitamin D2 stimulates bone formation. Helps in the formation of minerals, calcium, magnesium, phosphate in the bones. Importantly, vitamin D also works with parathyroid hormone to help absorb calcium in the gut. and stimulate the reabsorption of calcium by the kidneys cause blood calcium levels to rise thus helping to build bones to be really strong In addition, vitamin D can help improve muscle performance. can work better

As for whether or not supplementing with vitamin E to patients with osteoarthritis will improve bone performance? The research team gave patients a sample of vitamin E for 2 months and found that vitamin E helps reduce free radicals. reduce joint pain The use of the advantages actually increased.

Which group should receive a vitamin supplement?

People who are at risk of vitamin D deficiency, such as the elderly, pregnant women

2. Patients with osteoporosis

3. Patients with chronic kidney disease

4. Patients with certain intestinal diseases that result in impaired intestinal absorption of vitamin D.

5. People with impaired digestion and absorption of fat (Because vitamin D is soluble in fat), the absorption of vitamin D is reduced, etc.

The recommended intake of vitamin D is 400 – 600 IU/day, and vitamin E is 40 – 200 IU/day. Therefore, vitamin D supplementation or vitamin E It should be under the supervision and advice of a doctor or pharmacist.

Osteoarthritis” It can only be prevented by avoiding risky behaviors such as kneeling, cross-legged, squatting, or frequent going up and down stairs. and should strengthen the muscles around the joints By exercising, such as swimming, walking or cycling lightly, along with controlling your body weight. Only this way, we will be able to slow down osteoarthritis for a long time.

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