Research into chronic fatigue in cancer –

by time news

Groningen – Chronic fatigue is a common complaint among people with cancer. This fatigue not only affects the person who has (had) cancer, but also affects the partner.

Pair treatment research
The UMC Groningen and the Helen Dowling Institute have therefore developed the couple treatment ‘Less tired together’. This treatment is now being tested in research. “We are looking for people with cancer-related fatigue and partners who want to test the treatment together. Couples then monitor treatment and complete questionnaires. The treatment is provided online. Travel is therefore not necessary for participation.” says researcher Dr. Fabiola Muller.

Why participate?
Participants receive the newly developed treatment ‘Less tired together’ and they help to improve the treatment for future use.

Participation and information
More information about the research can be found at: If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

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