Researchers Discover Potential Breakthrough in Achieving Ambient Temperature Superconductivity

by time news

New Discovery Could Pave the Way for Room-Temperature Superconductivity

Superconductivity, the low-waste form of power, has long been hailed as a game-changer in various fields, including power grids and personal electronics. However, achieving superconductivity at ambient temperatures and pressures has proven to be a challenging feat. Now, a team of researchers from Emory University and Stanford University in the US has made a discovery that could potentially help overcome these obstacles.

The researchers have uncovered a phenomenon called oscillating superconductivity, which involves peculiar movements of electron partnerships known as Cooper pairs within materials, without losing substantial amounts of energy in the form of heat. In oscillating superconductivity, the Cooper pairs move in wave-like motions, occurring at relatively warmer temperatures compared to “normal” superconductivity. This feature makes the phenomenon of oscillating superconductivity intriguing to scientists aiming to achieve consistent superconductivity at room temperature.

Physicist Luiz Santos from Emory University explains, “We discovered that structures known as Van Hove singularities can produce modulating, oscillating states of superconductivity. Our work provides a new theoretical framework for understanding the emergence of this behavior, a phenomenon that is not well understood.”

Van Hove singularities are specific structures found in some materials where the energy of electrons experiences unusual changes. These structures greatly influence the material’s reaction to external forces and its conductivity properties. In their study, the researchers modeled Van Hove singularities in a new way and observed that these structures may lead to oscillating superconductivity in certain conditions, potentially offering new ways to control or initiate superconductivity.

While the research is currently theoretical, it expands our understanding of superconductivity at temperatures slightly above the freezing point of water – levels that are easier to manage compared to extremely low temperatures. Although there is debate about whether superconductivity has been achieved at room temperature, it is not yet accessible in a practical manner outside of laboratories or bulky and expensive equipment.

The discovery of superconductivity dates back to 1911 when Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes observed the phenomenon in tests on mercury. However, it wasn’t until 1957 that scientists fully grasped the mechanisms behind superconductivity. Since then, our knowledge about this phenomenon has grown, including the understanding of its oscillating form.

The ultimate goal is to enable more efficient and affordable electricity transmission. Superconductors already play a vital role in creating powerful magnetic fields, as seen in MRI machines, maglev trains, and the world’s largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider.

Santos reflects on the potential applications of superconductivity, saying, “I doubt that Kamerlingh Onnes was thinking about levitation or particle accelerators when he discovered superconductivity, but everything we learn about the world has potential applications.”

The study detailing this discovery has been published in the journal Physical Review Letters.

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