Researchers sound the alarm: Right-wing extremists are hijacking computer games | politics

by time news

2024-03-02 09:18:44

Right-wing extremists have discovered a new digital playground for themselves – computer games! Researchers from the Institute for Democracy and Civil Society (IDZ) in Jena analyze how right-wing radical politics are made using the games. The most recent case: a shooting game published in February from circles of the ultra-right Identitarian Movement.

Everything that is identified as an enemy for the right-wing movement is shot at.

The woke US rapper Lizzo (35), SPD Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (63, depicted as a vaccination monster) and George Soros (93) are more or less openly hinted at as opponents. Holocaust survivor billionaire Soros is a popular victim of conspiracy theorists.

In a new video game, players fight against hate figures from the right-wing scene – George Soros is probably the target here

Photo: private

Does this mean Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (63, SPD)?

Photo: private

IDZ researcher Matthias Heider: “We are observing attempts at targeted right-wing infiltration on gaming platforms. Right-wing extremists want to find their way into the mainstream. Right-wing codes are often used. There are also references to well-known people from the right-wing scene.”

In a previous game, now banned, you could choose the right-wing extremist Martin Sellner (35) as a character.

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“It’s also about anti-Semitism and misogyny. There are studies from the USA that say that over 70 percent of female gamers have experienced hate on gaming platforms. Simply because they are women,” says Heider.

Politicians are watching developments with concern.

School Minister in Schleswig-Holstein since 2017: Karin Prien (58)

Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa

Schleswig-Holstein’s school minister and CDU deputy Karin Prien (58): “Right-wing extremist or Islamist content in online games is unfortunately not uncommon. Such games can be programmed to attract and spread among young people without large studios. Those who want to pump extremist poison into the heads of our children and young people also know this.”

In schools in the north, this part is already part of media education.

The minister appeals: “I can only say to all parents: find out more! Speak to your children about their media consumption and take action if you see extremist content on your children’s smartphones and tablets!”

Ria Schröder (31) is head of the Education and Research Working Group of the FDP parliamentary group

Foto: dts News Agency Germany/Shutterstock

FDP Bundestag member Ria Schröder (31) also calls for nationwide education in schools: “Computer games are an important part of young people’s lives. That’s why the topic of gaming belongs on the school timetable. Students need to learn about opportunities and be informed about dangers.”

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