Reservists’ Protest Against Legal Reform Gains Momentum; Thousands Join in Movement

by time news

Reservists’ Protest Against Legal Reform Intensifies as Thousands More Join

In a significant development, approximately ten thousand additional reservists have announced their decision to stop volunteering due to the continuation of the legal reform legislation. The reservists’ protest against the proposed legal reform is expanding rapidly, with even hundreds of officers joining the cause.

The Chief of Staff, expressing concern over the increasing calls for non-reporting, stated, “The calls for non-reporting hurt the IDF.” This statement reflects the growing frustration within the military as more and more reservists refuse to participate in their duties.

A senior government official, however, has attacked the protest, stating, “It is impossible that we will not pass the legislation; we will not submit to a military dictate.” This remark highlights the clash between the reservists and the government over the legal reform legislation.

In a press conference, the reservists articulated their message to the government, emphasizing the critical moment the country is facing. They pointed out that the responsibility for the potential destruction of a third house rests on the government. The reservists expressed their dedication to protecting the country, stating, “If you want us with you – we call on you to stop the legislation.”

The reservists argue that this legal reform proposal undermines reasonableness and grants unlimited power to the government. They insist on serving the kingdom rather than the king and stress that preserving the border between democracy and dictatorship is of paramount importance. They also emphasize the necessity of making changes through broad consensus rather than stealth.

Adding further weight to the protest, a hundred former heads of the Mossad, heads of the Shin Bet, chiefs of staff, generals, and retired heads of departments in the Mossad and Shin Bet have sent a letter of support to Prime Minister Netanyahu. In the letter, they express their concern about the serious damage to the IDF and Israel’s security caused by the legislation. They demand that Netanyahu take responsibility and halt the legislation. They also call for a process of negotiations and changes only with the broad agreement of the people and the Israeli Knesset.

The letter is signed by prominent figures, including three former chiefs of staff: Barak, Ya’alon, and Halutz; four former commissioners: Assaf Hefetz, Shlomo Ahronishki, Rafi Peled, and Moshe Karadi; five former Mossad heads: Nahum Admoni, Efraim Halevi, Shabti Shavit, Dani Yatom, and Tamir Pardo; three former Shin Bet chiefs: Karmi Gilon, Yuval Diskin, and Nadav Argaman; and two ex-SBS commissioners: Benny Kaniak and Aharon Franco.

The growing number of reservists joining the protest, coupled with the support from respected figures in the security establishment, intensifies the pressure on the government to reconsider the legal reform legislation. The standoff between the reservists and the government showcases the deep division within Israeli society and raises questions about the future direction of the country.

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