Reshuffle: the appointment of Catherine Vautrin worries LGBT associations and trade union organizations

by time news

2024-01-12 00:48:18

This is called a cold reception. The entry into government of Catherine Vautrin, a right-wing figure who voted against marriage for all in 2013, is a “bad signal” for the defense of the rights of LGBT people, associations reacted Thursday, expressing their “deep concerns “.

“We are extremely worried because this person, through his positioning, has fueled homophobia,” declared Joël Deumier, co-president of SOS Homophobia. Catherine Vautrin, appointed Thursday at the head of an expanded Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity, voted in 2013 against the law opening marriage to people of the same sex and participated at the time in the Manif pour tous.

In 2023, she expressed her regret over this vote, believing that she had “missed this meeting which has now become obvious” and describing marriage for all as “a very good thing”.

For Joël Deumier, the difference between “the symbol” of the appointment of Gabriel Attal to Matignon, the first head of government to publicly discuss his homosexuality, and “the entry of figures openly hostile to LGBT rights (Rachida Dati considering the opening of PMA for all women as a risk of “fracturing society”) has the effect of a “cold shower”. “It’s not a positive signal, it raises questions,” adds Maxime Haes, spokesperson for Stop Homophobia.

Doubtful unions

On the side of the leaders of the trade union centers and those in the health sector, we are doubtful after this appointment at the head of an enlarged ministry, many fearing the dilution of their subjects in too vast a scope.

The president of the CFTC Cyril Chabanier said he was “rather favorable to the formation of a tight and not bloated government” but also judged that “Labor and Health deserve two full ministries”.

“Let’s wait for the meetings to see things more clearly,” commented Marylise Léon (CFDT). “The gigantism does not impress me,” said his CFE-CGC counterpart François Hommeril, who also “does not know” Ms. Vautrin.

On the health side, Philippe Besset, pharmacist and president of the Liberal health union coalition, welcomed the return “to a large Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor like in the time of Xavier Bertrand or Martine Aubry, (…) who were great ministers, both for social and for health”. But Agnès Giannotti, president of the main union of liberal general practitioners MG France, expressed her “questions”.

“Is this appointment a sign that health is a very important subject deserving a major ministry, or is it a sign that it does not deserve a ministry in its own right? “, she asked herself. Finally, for the president of the Avenir Spé union, Patrick Gasser, with this large ministry, Health seems to “take second place” and “I do not believe that this is the image of audacity and transformation”.

“But we are very impatiently awaiting the appointment of a Minister for Health,” indicated Jean-François Cibien, president of the Action Practitioners Hospital (hospital doctors) coalition. “If there is no emergency for the people who run us, we no longer know where to put the patients, some die on stretchers, and perhaps one day we will need a ministry of beds hospitalization,” said the emergency doctor.

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