Residents in Colonia 18 de Julio propose extension of urban bus line

by time news

The mayor of the National Party Facundo Marziotte transferred to the Departmental Board the request of residents in Colonia 18 de Julio, who ask for a bus line to be extended to the San Jorge stop. The neighbors raise the need for transportation that exists in the area, to be able to access the city center in a more accessible way. They propose analyzing the possibility of having some frequency (2 or 3 times a day) of one of the urban passenger transport lines that can reach the aforementioned stop. Aware of the closeness with which Line No. 7 carries out its work, it is that they suggest that this could be the one that establishes the service.
Marziotte argued that “according to the residents themselves, they are very close to the city and it is of vital importance to them in terms of mobility to carry out procedures, or purchases in the city center.” There is an important population that resides in the neighborhood for whom this service would solve many problems, taking into account that today connectivity is vital not only for procedures, procedures, but also for medical services and the need to travel daily from a point that it does not require a very great effort on the part of the commune. He requested that his exposition be sent to the Urban Mobility Coordinator of the Municipality of Salto and to the Transit and Transportation Commission of the board.

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