Residents of Bnei Brak Receive Praise Online

by time news

Residents of Bnei Brak showed support to protesters and distributed cholent while engaging in conversations with them. The act of unity was well received and praised by many individuals across the political spectrum. Journalists and surfers commended the residents for their warm treatment of the protesters, referring to it as the “beautiful face of Bnei Brak.” Many individuals spoke highly of the residents’ values and actions, with one journalist writing that the “Torah’s paths are the paths of Noam and all its paths are peace.” The events in Bnei Brak gave observers hope for democracy and love for Israel.

The network reacted with great support to the residents of Bnei Brak who went out yesterday to distribute cholent to the protesters and to talk with them. Journalist Michael Shemesh wrote: “The photos that came out of my hometown warmed my heart.” Journalist Sivan Cohen also responded: “Hats off to the residents of Bnei Brak! What a welcome, what nobility of soul.” Yehuda Glick responded: “The ultra-orthodox public taught us what love for Israel is”

A moment of unity: the videos of the distribution of the cholent and the dances of the residents of the city of Bnei Brak with the protesters against the legal remedy who arrived en masse in the city yesterday (Thursday), warmed the hearts of many of the protesters and net surfers – on both sides of the political map. The reactions to the treatment the protesters received from the city’s residents today are particularly warm, and they referred to the “beautiful face of Bnei Brak”.

Reviewer Shlomo Filber responded to the documents: “Last night, with free love, joy and acceptance, Bnei Brak defeated the Mechalists, the Armed Forces and the “Brothers in Arms” with their Zelensky shirts. The ultra-Orthodox proved once again – even if you provoke endlessly, there will be no fratricidal war! We will not fight! I hope you have learned your lesson.”

Channel 14 journalist Yaara Zard also wrote: “The photos of the cholent distribution on the streets of Bnei Brak remind once again that the ultra-Orthodox are the most divisive group in the Israeli public. Most of the time they are busy defaming them instead of seeing the good. It sucks.”

Surfer Rod Lior addressed the residents of Bnei Brak and wrote: “My ultra-Orthodox brothers, students of Aharon HaCohen, lovers of peace and pursuers of peace, I loved you today very much! Today the whole world saw that the Torah’s paths are the paths of Noam and all its paths are peace and the city of Bnei Brak is joy and happiness. A little of the light drives away Much of the darkness. And you enlightened the people of Israel with precious light!”

The ultra-Orthodox journalist Michael Shemesh, who grew up as a child in Bnei Brak, wrote: “In Israel, it’s not every day easy to be proud of being ultra-Orthodox and originally a Bnei Brak. But today is such a day. The photos that came out tonight from my hometown warmed my heart.”

Channel 14 presenter Ido Tauber, who dedicated the opening of his program to showering praise on the residents of Bnei Brak, tweeted: “We can already clearly say that the winners of this day are our ultra-Orthodox brothers, residents of Bnei Brak. A welcome in the style of Abraham our father to those who came against them. These are exactly the Jewish values ​​that The Torah students got to apply it.”

Former member of Knesset Ayelet Nahmias and Rabin tweeted: “They already wrote, but I have to too, I’m not surprised by Beybrink (Bnei Brak among those who grew up with Aunt Deborah) and I still appreciate and am very happy about it.”

Journalist Sivan Cohen wrote: “To lower the honor before the residents of Bnei Brak! Well done. What a welcome. What nobility of soul.” Surfer Yossi Baum elaborated and said: “This evening put a spotlight on the beautiful faces of Bnei Brak, live, for the entire State of Israel. The residents of Bnei Brak have never received so much public feedback in one evening, as happened today. On behalf of everyone, I thank the organizers of the “protest” for giving us this fantastic opportunity. Thanks!”.

Former Knesset member Yehuda Glick: “Thank you to the ultra-Orthodox public who, in the last day, taught the people of Israel what love is from the heart! Thank you Yeshiva Wolfson. Thank you Bnei Brak. A month of brightening for all of us.” Journalist and right-wing woman Samdar Hila Shmueli tweeted: “Tonight the ultra-Orthodox taught a lesson in “love” that I really, really liked. Bnei Brak cheers.”

Journalist and editor of Shivii Yishai Friedman tweeted: “The demonstrations in Bnei Brak strengthened the supporters of the reform. It turns out that the Bnei Brak are very nice people. The demonstrators pumped up the story of a slave girl, but the hosts gave them cholent. A dear Jew who remembers his father’s house sheds tears of longing and faith. Bnei Brak Barak entered his soul. You can’t “win” it. You have to work with it and come to connections.”

Counselor Udi Tana wrote: “I went down last night with my children to show them a lesson in democracy and at the same time we received an amazing lesson in the love of Israel. It was exciting to see how the National Day of Disruption turned into the National Day of Unity. They came to curse and came out to bless a lot. A good time to salute the brave residents of Bnei Brak who proved once again And again, because despite the differences, we are brotherly people.”

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