Residents of Brabantpark do not sleep a wink by starlings: ‘It is beautiful, but not healthy’ | Bredatoday

by time news

BREDA – Anyone who drives along the Buffelstraat in Breda around dusk will be amazed. Flocks of thousands of starlings make for a beautiful sight. But for the residents of the street, the animals are a major concern. “The noise is really nothing to do, just like the stench from all the poo. And some residents have problems with their lungs due to the particulate matter,” says Lieke Huijbregts on behalf of the residents.

Large flocks of starlings have nested in the tall trees on Buffelstraat in Brabantpark. When dusk sets in, the animals look for their sleeping place. Before they settle in the trees, they fly in swarms above the neighborhood. And that is an impressive sight, according to resident Lieke Huijbregts. “It really is a beautiful natural phenomenon. The swarms look very beautiful. But what many people don’t realize is the nuisance that the animals cause for us as residents of the street.”

Starlings cause considerable nuisance in various ways, explains Huijbregts. First of all because of all the poop. The sidewalks and streets around the trees are white with bird droppings. And that is also accompanied by a strong odor nuisance. And that it’s dirty isn’t even the biggest problem. “What we care about is our health. That is at stake,” says Huijbregts. Anne-Marie Roose, another resident of the working group, adds. “I am concerned about possible pathogens that can spread the birds, including through the faeces. Think of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites. What do we know about starlings? They fly halfway around the world. In light of the recent pandemic, I am concerned about that.” In addition, the birds and the associated poo create a lot of particulate matter. “The particulate matter causes local residents to have complaints about their airways,” says Huijbregts.

The streets and sidewalks are covered with a thick layer of poop – Werkgroep Buffelstraat

Starlings also create an unhealthy situation for local residents in another way, namely through noise pollution. “I am really awake to the noise of the birds. There are simply rules about how many decibels of noise pollution are allowed in a neighbourhood. I am really convinced that if measurements are taken, it will become clear that those standards are being exceeded.”

Tackling the problem is not that easy. Starlings are protected animals. And therefore the trees are also protected. Nevertheless, the residents’ committee wants the municipality to take action. “The municipality is responsible for the health of the residents. And that is at stake,” says Huijbregts. The residents have been in talks with the municipality for some time after a survey was conducted in the neighborhood in 2020 by a residents group. With the results of that questionnaire, the group entered into a discussion with the municipality, and based on these discussions it was decided to hire a research agency. That agency has already carried out counts to get a better idea of ​​which protected animals live in the trees. But the measurements so strongly desired by the residents have not yet been carried out. And that causes frustration among the residents. “Without measurements, you have no facts. And the starlings are here now, so measuring has to be done now. We really hope that those measurements take place as soon as possible. It’s the only way to find a solution.”

What that solution should be exactly, the residents leave to the municipality. “If the standards are exceeded, the municipality must take steps towards the province. The province makes decisions about, for example, the felling and trimming of protected trees. But without figures and facts, the municipality cannot do anything towards the province.” The residents therefore demand that measurements take place and that their problem is taken seriously. “Starlings are there about three months of the year. So you can say: What are you worried about? But this nuisance is really not healthy. Something has to be done about that.”

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