Residents protest the death of an elderly woman during a flood in Moema (SP) – News

by time news

Residents protested, this Sunday morning (12), for the death of Nayde Pereira Cappellano, 88 years old, after his vehicle was submerged in flooding in the Moema neighborhood, in the south zone of the capital, this Wednesday (8). The group held a banner with the words “the population calls for help”.

Mayor Ricardo Nunes (MDB) admitted, during a visit to the neighborhood this Saturday (11), that the city hall was aware of the water drainage problems in the region since 2018. According to him, a street condominium illegally occupied and concreted an area, where there is a sanitary alley that would help in the flow of water to the Uberabinha river, which crosses the region.

Yesterday, city hall crews began removing the blockage with jackhammers. Works secretary Marcos Monteiro also announced the creation of rain gardens to increase drainage in the region. According to the secretary, there is a study for the creation of a swimming pool in the region, but there are no deadlines yet due to possible expropriations.


During the storm that hit the capital on Wednesday, Nayde was trapped inside her car in a flood on Rua Gaivota, in Moema. According to the Military Police, the elderly woman suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest. She even received first aid from the Fire Department, but could not resist the trauma.

The victim left four children, six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. According to the family, she was dedicated, liked to give gifts, loved life and had a hobby to take care of her plants.

Lawyer Mariana Cappellano, Nayde’s granddaughter, also said, on social media, that she took “very good care of her health”, with a battery of constant tests, “remained active” and, despite her age, was “more lucid than very adult out there”.

Mariana, who is a lawyer, said, in a publication on social networks, that she will fight for justice, because a “deadly” wall, according to her, was built to prevent flow in the region. During the heavy rain, her grandmother was stranded, unable to get out of the vehicle, drowned and ended up dying.

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