Resignation of the Harvard President: Claudine Gay herself does not believe in second chances

by time news

2024-01-03 18:24:15

Opinion of Harvard President

Claudine Gay herself doesn’t believe in second chances

As of: 6:05 p.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

Diversity-Ikon Gay; WELT-By Wimalasena

Source: Mark Schiefelbein/AP; Claudius Plow

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In December, its president could not say exactly whether a call for genocide against Jews violated Harvard’s rules. When faced with a critical colleague, Claudine Gay was less hesitant. Now she has resigned following allegations of plagiarism. This is very logical for a reason.

The first black female president of Harvard University has resigned. Claudine Gay did not have a fruitful research career. A handful of publications on the political participation of blacks – there is not much more to be found in the academic biography of the American political scientist. The fact that she is said to have shamelessly plagiarized has now become her downfall. She quoted entire passages from the political scientist David Canon without naming the source, writes the conservative media platform “Washington Free Beacon”.

There was undoubtedly a conservative campaign against Gay after she gave an evasive answer to a question at a congressional hearing in December about whether calling for violence against Jews violated the university’s anti-bullying regulations – but for many Americans This was already a reason for resignation from all political camps.

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Your resignation now is also justified because Gay himself apparently doesn’t believe in second chances. Because in the past she has shown no leniency when punishing colleagues. Among other things, in 2019 she suspended the much higher-profile (black) economist Roland Fryer as dean for two years because he had sent lewd text messages to research assistants. By the way, Fryer is known for questioning common ideas about structural racism. In her farewell letter to the university, Gay denies the plagiarism allegations and complains about racism. The fact that she is black may also have been a reason why she got the job in the first place. The left-liberal media and academic scene celebrated her emergence as Harvard’s “first black president” as a signal of diversity.

But the multi-billion dollar university can only maintain its high tuition fees and its alumni’s willingness to donate if it can continue to convince the world that Cambridge is home to the best of the best. With a female president, this reputation would be permanently damaged.

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