Resistance plan in Moncloa

by time news

2024-04-06 04:03:00

This guy has no shame. Since June 2023, relatives of the 160 families who have requested the exhumation of their relatives from the Valley of the Fallen have been asking to enter to see them. They were told no, citing problems with the physical security of the excavations. And the president goes and gets ahead of all of them without a hat, to take a political photo and profit from the old anti-Francoism in the middle of the Basque electoral campaign. I can perfectly imagine the pain of seeing Pedro Sánchez sticking out his chest in front of the bones of my grandfather or my uncle. Even the tail is all bull: he uses misfortunes and joys for his cause. There was no time for those affected to protest and Moncloa immediately responded with an invitation to visit the laboratory, but the obscene and extremely crude gesture has highlighted that it does not even respect the dead.

There are nerves in heights. For some time now, each departure of the president has required a conspicuous police deployment. I already told you that, in Valencia, when he visited El Campanar after the fire, he forced the journalists to vacate the nearby apartments, to guarantee a belt of privacy. But this same week he was at the National Library, to inaugurate the exhibition on Luis Martín-Santos, and passers-by were forced to physically move away from the fence of the premises. Sánchez cannot put a foot out without being booed.

What happened with Franco is a “frank” indicator of the tension in Moncloa, now that the accusing finger is pointing at the president’s wife. Begoña Gómez used the email bego.fundraiser (bego, fund seeker) to obtain business support that later amounted to things as serious as the 500 million to rescue Air Europa. The “Koldo case” has revealed the face of the gang of palmeros and cronies that have been forming around the couple and, if there is something to which the vote is sensitive, it is corruption. In particular, I follow all this about Begoña with amazement. I mean that in France or Germany the prime minister would have already fallen for something like that. That the first lady is the prosecutor of economic outlets is the end of egalitarian democracy.

Here, in the harassed Moncloa, they have limited themselves to developing a plan of resistance and response with three axes: Ayuso, Franco and the international pro-Palestinian campaign. Comparing the boyfriend of the president of the Community of Madrid with that of the president’s wife is a task that Pedro Sánchez’s palmeros are dedicated to these days. I do not deny that the Madrid issue is ugly. Defrauding the Treasury is expensive and, in the case of Alberto González, it may also cost him marital displeasure, because Ayuso is paying politically for these excesses. But a relative’s fiscal rinse has nothing to do with influence peddling worth hundreds of millions from the palace of Moncloa. If there are people who equate both things, it can only be due to ignorance or bad faith.

Between one thing and another, there is the public sphere turned into foxes and the staff, frankly unmotivated. With the PSOE and, on the rebound, with the PP. That’s not good for anyone. As there are three rounds of elections left – the Basque, the Catalan and the European – it is to be expected that everything will escalate. The news about the dirt and the efforts to cover it up. So begins a long dance of displaying ghosts of the civil war, coups d’effect and spitting on others. The Executive endures because the economy endures, but the final result will be the inevitable and ill-advised scorched earth.

#Resistance #plan #Moncloa

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