Resolution of January 17, 2023, of the Security Council

by time news

Agreement between the Nuclear Safety Council and the University of the Basque Country-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea for participation in the International Radiation Protection Computer Code Analysis And Maintenance Program (RAMP)


On the one hand, Mr. Juan Carlos Lentijo Lentijo, President of the Nuclear Safety Council (hereinafter CSN), a position for which he was appointed by Royal Decree 275/2022, of April 12 (BOE number 88, of April 13, 2022), on behalf of the same, and in the exercise of the powers attributed to it by the Article 36 of the Statute of the Nuclear Safety Council, approved by Royal Decree 1440/2010, of November 5, and with address at Calle Justo Dorado, n.o 11, de Madrid y NIF Q2801036-A.

On the other hand, Ms. María Eva Ferreira García, Magnificent Rector of the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, a position for which she was appointed by Decree 10/2021, of January 19, 2021, acting on behalf of the same , with full legal capacity in accordance with the Article 20 of Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21.

Both, mutually recognizing legal capacity and full power to carry out this act


First. That effective April 17, 2020, the CSN signed a bilateral agreement with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission of the United States of America (hereinafter USNRC) for participation in the program called Radiation Protection Computer Code Analysis and Maintenance Program (RAMP). ), whose fundamental objective is the use and validation of the radiation protection application codes developed and maintained by the USNRC. The aforementioned agreement is a continuation of those that the CSN has been signing with the USNRC for this program in advance.

Second. That, by virtue of this bilateral agreement, the CSN is the depositary and distributor in Spain of these radiological codes, as well as their documentation and any updates that occur during the term of the agreement. The agreement allows the CSN to extend its conditions to other national organizations interested in the use of said codes, which allows the transmission of this information to them.

Third. That the University of the Basque Country-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (hereinafter UPV-EHU) has experience in the use of codes in the field of radiological protection, for which reason it is interested in having access to the codes developed by the USNRC.

Bedroom. That the UPV/EHU has collaborated in advance with the CSN in the technical and scientific scope of this agreement.

Quinto. That the CSN and the UPV/EHU (hereinafter the parties) consider that the participation of the UPV/EHU in the RAMP program is beneficial for the fulfillment of the objectives established for it, and in particular to reinforce and complement the Spanish participation in the program.

Sixth. That the CSN signs this agreement in exercise of the function attributed to it by its Creation Law (Law 15/1980, of April 22) in article 2, letter p), which is to establish and monitor research plans in the field of nuclear safety and radiological protection.

In accordance with the foregoing, both parties agree to formalize this agreement subject to the following


First Object

The purpose of this agreement is to establish the terms and conditions under which the parties will collaborate in the execution and development of the RAMP program.

The objectives and scope of the RAMP program are included in the bilateral agreement signed by the CSN and the USNRC, which is included in this agreement as annex 2 (1) thereto.

Second Validity

This agreement will enter into force on the date of its signing, and will be in force for the duration of the RAMP agreement between the CSN and the USNRC, until April 16, 2023.

However, this agreement may be subject to modification or extension by mutual agreement of the parties if it is necessary to rectify the agreed activities or vary their execution period. In this case, the appropriate Additional Clause will be formalized with the conditions of the extension or modification. However, the extension can only be carried out as long as the CSN-USNRC bilateral Agreement for the RAMP program, which is attached as Annex 2 to this agreement, is in force and must comply with the time limits established in the Agreement. Article 49 of Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector.

Third Obligations of the parties

The CSN’s obligations under this agreement are:

Quarter economic conditions

The UPV/EHU will not have any financial obligation for the use of these codes, so this agreement is not associated with any cost.

Quinta Agreement follow-up

The monitoring and management of the agreement is entrusted to a representative of each of the parties, who in general must carry out the necessary actions to comply with the obligations and activities included in this agreement.

Said persons will be appointed by each of the parties once the agreement is signed, and may be modified during the course of the agreement.

friday confidentiality

The parties grant, in general, the classification of information reserved to the data and results obtained in the application of this agreement that are thus identified, for which reason they assume in good faith the treatment of restriction in their use by their respective organizations. The parties agree to comply with the provisions on proprietary information contained in the terms and conditions of the RAMP program that are included in annex 2.

The previous confidentiality commitment will be in force until five (5) years after the end of this agreement or any of its possible extensions, if any, and will not apply to that information:

  • a) That they were previously known.
  • b) That they become part of the public domain.
  • c) That they are obtained from a third party not bound by confidentiality.

Septima Ownership of results

The results of the activities carried out within the framework of this agreement will belong exclusively to the parties, as the sole holders thereof.

Eighth termination and suspension

Either party, for reasonable reasons, may terminate or temporarily suspend this agreement, giving notice at least three months in advance of the date on which the resolution should be effective.

Daughters disputes

The parties agree to settle by mutual agreement the differences that may arise in application of this agreement. For this, once the dispute arises, each party designates a representative. In the case of not reaching a common agreement, the parties will submit the matter to the knowledge and competence of the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction, in accordance with the provisions of the Law 29/1998, of July 13.

1. Performance with the RASCAL program

It is intended to use the RASCAL program to determine the effective width of the cloud created in the discharge of radionuclides into the atmosphere that takes place in an accident at a nuclear power plant.

Specifically, it is about evaluating the width of the cloud, or the area affected by its dispersion, taking into account the sequence of meteorological records corresponding to one year in the environment of a real or fictitious nuclear power plant, depending on the distance to the source source.

In the first instance, it is intended to analyze a distance of 160 km, which is the maximum that RASCAL allows, under the influence of real meteorological sequences that allow evaluating the width of the cloud at different distances from the emitter.

The emission will consist of a noble gas, 85Kr, released at ground level over a 4 hour sequence which is considered a probable emission duration in a PWR.

The dispersion time to be analyzed will initially be 24 hours. To obtain meteorological data, there are contacts with AEMET in the Basque Country and Euskalmet so that they can be obtained, and in fact currently are obtained for the operation of the Automatic Radiological Surveillance Network, real meteorological records, as well as predictions derived from the HIRLAM model ( High Resolution Limited Area Model, for weather forecasting based on numerical models

It is intended to test a sequence with a daily start throughout a year in order to have dispersion data relative to start positions at different times of the day, as well as to consider the seasonal influence.

With all this, it is intended to obtain a relationship between them, being s the width of the cloud defined as the mean square root of the angular dispersion at a given distance R from the emitter. The parameter that is determined is the integral during the dispersion time of the activity in a point.

2. Other codes included in the RAMP program

The CSN will be informed of the relevant aspects identified in the use of the rest of the RAMP Program codes (ARCON, GALE, PAVAN, Genii, NRCDose and RadToolBox). Specifically, in what refers to the use of the RESRAD code to work on the evaluation of the radiological impact due to the presence of contaminated soils.

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