Sunday, 05 January 2025 – 12:38 WIB
Chairman of the Indonesian Regional Representative Council (DPD) Sultan B Najamudin. Photo: Public Relations of DPD RI
jpnn.comJAKARTA – Chairman of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI) Sultan B Najamudin believes that the nomination of independent or non-partisan presidential candidates needs to be discussed in the Indonesian political system.
The Sultan conveyed this considering the condition of political parties which tend not to be serious about cadre formation to prepare future leaders of the nation.
He believes that only a few political parties are interested in the cadre formation process.
“Currently, the Constitution only assigns political parties as democratic institutions that have the right to nominate presidential candidates. However, the discourse on presenting candidates for national leadership who are independent or from non-partisan democratic institutions needs to begin,” said the Sultan in his official statement on Sunday (5/1/ 2025).
According to Sultan, several large democratic countries such as the United States even provide the widest possible opportunity to Americans who are considered competent to run for president through independent channels.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is the President directly elected by the Russian people after running independently in the Presidential Election.
“This means that the principles of justice and equal political rights of citizens to vote and be elected in a democracy must not be limited either by Presidential Threshold regulations or certain political institutions,” said Sultan, who is also a former deputy governor of Bengkulu.
However, the former KNPI activist said that his party respects the provisions in the constitution which regulate presidential candidacy only through political parties.
Chairman of the DPD RI Sultan B Najamudin believes that the nomination of presidential candidates independently or non-partisanly needs to be discussed.
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