Restaurant reopenings, dates and rules both outdoors and indoors

by time news

The reopening of the restaurants is one of the novelties that will characterize the turning point from April 26, when the yellow zone – strengthened – will be restored, as announced yesterday by Prime Minister Mario Draghi at a press conference. In the yellow zone, the outdoor restaurants will be open for lunch and dinner, conditioned by the curfew at 10pm. For the indoor restaurants, however, the date to be considered is June 1, according to what is learned from sources in Palazzo Chigi.

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The resumption of the activities of the reopened restaurants, underlined the premier, is linked to compliance with the rules of conduct: the watchwords remain distancing and mask, to which the guidelines that the regions have presented to the government and which are now being examined by the Technical Scientific Committee. The experts will have to comment on the validity of the protocols, drawn up by the restricted technical group made up of representatives of five regions, and make changes if necessary. According to what is learned, the opinion from the Scientific Technical Committee is expected next week.


The Conference of the Regions yesterday updated the guidelines for the resumption of some activities in safe conditions and in compliance with the prevention protocols The indications, it is specified, apply to every type of exercise for the administration of meals and drinks, such as restaurants, trattorias, pizzerias, self-service shops, bars, pubs, pastry shops, ice cream parlors, rotisseries (even if located within the hospitality business, within bathing establishments and shopping centers), as well as for catering.

The measures, if respected, can allow the carrying out of both the lunch and dinner service. Furthermore, “these measures can allow the maintenance of the service even in epidemiological scenarios defined as high risk as long as they are integrated with screening / testing strategies, even in self-administration”.

In the establishments that provide meals, “privilege access by booking and keep the list of subjects who have booked for a period of 14 days. In any case, access is allowed, even in the absence of reservations, if the spaces allow it, in compliance with the foreseen prevention measures “, reads the draft of the guidelines.

The indications provide for “arranging the tables in such a way as to ensure the maintenance of at least 1 meter of separation between the customers of different tables in the indoor environments (extendable up to 2 meters based on the epidemiological risk scenario) and of at least 1 meter of separation in outdoor environments (gardens, terraces, stalls, dehors), with the exception of people who, according to the provisions in force, are not subject to interpersonal distancing. This last aspect relates to individual responsibility. These distances can be reduced only with physical barriers. of separation. Customers must wear a mask to protect the respiratory tract whenever they are not seated at the table “. Again, “facilitate online consultation of the menu through digital solutions, or prepare menus in plasticized printing, and therefore disinfectable after use, or disposable paper”.

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