by time news

2023-05-02 15:48:06

After a very bad game on Thursday, Sunday we repeated the dose, with a little more quality, although another team. In both, the result was good, classification and victory.

As I ironically read yesterday, we didn’t get embarrassed in the Copa do Brasil, we eliminated a team on penalties and beat Goiás with one more, it’s another phase.

Jokes aside, football is still bad. You can even see the construction of moves, Maurício combining with Johnny and Bustos on the right, Renê, De Pena and PH on the left, but a striker who scores goals is sorely needed. Alemão did this job last year, and the management’s diagnosis was accurate in betting on Valencia, but the timing was very bad.

Even though the middle works and there is the plot of exchanging passes and infiltrations, the mechanics are hampered by the lack of a 9 that moves in the same way, and that presents itself to complete the plays, and that Inter does not have, and does it seems that the team does not play.

I even think that, with the movement on both sides, PH could be tried again as a center forward, as long as it is not to receive long balls with his back to the defenders, and that implies a qualified ball output.

Perhaps Campanharo and De Pena can take care of that, even if the team is less active defensively, possession would be an element of defense, and the qualified exit would take away the momentum of high scoring from opponents, which has led Inter to kicks.

Mano presents difficulties at this point.

Of course, Alan Patrick and Wanderson’s tickets will qualify the team, but we were supposed to beat Goiás without the need for these players.

Another mystery is the insistence with Jean Dias, not exactly because of the insistence, but because of the lack of opportunities for Lucca and Gabriel, recently hired from the interior of SP, with good performances against the great ones from São Paulo.

Apart from what is bad, Renê has been the highlight of regularity with good games. I thought the captaincy fit him well, he has been the important name in defensive stability on the left side, and in the construction of plays, in addition to being responsible for the ball exit.

De Pena scored a goal that deserved the number 1000 on the team, he’s a guy who shoots, like Maurício. The curious thing is that De Pena is the best corner kick taker in the squad, as well as the best free kick taker with crosses, but he is also the best rebounder on the team, and he cannot be in both places at the same time.

Even with the performances of Igor Gomes, Bustos is in the starting lineup. There is an offensive impetus, either on the flank or in the middle, which differentiates him from the substitute, and he has the capacity to build more than Igor Gomes, against more closed teams. With a striker who moves and positions himself well, I believe that any doubts will be dispelled.

John had a good game, our problems in goal “summed up” with aerial balls and long distance shots.

The management’s lack of timing in assembling the team is worthy of criticism. It’s May and we don’t have a reliable starting lineup, missing important pieces, which could be consolidated, but are still bets.

The only thing wonderful is the interview of an anonymous Colorado with the biggest network here, leaving reporters and commentators very uncomfortable with the truths spoken on the air.


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