RESULT OF EARLY ELECTION 2023 – La Nación 2023

by time news

2023-08-25 13:01:36

Ing. Agro. Brenda Mendoza Pimentel/Guayaquil

MSc Management of Renewable Natural Resources


The elections have passed and the atmosphere is still heated by the results that many did not expect, including me; but I understand that this is how these necessities are. In the end, life goes on the same as the song said, or suddenly not so the same because this electoral process was stained with blood due to the cowardly murder of a candidate, situations like these hurt and resent the chaos and upheaval that my life is experiencing. dear homeland.

Although it is true that there were surprises, it is also true that we already expected many results, we can note the inclination of a more or less representative population towards a political group whose representative in the debate did not exactly play a brilliant role, however, the memory of the leader marked the acceptance of his presence among his co-idearies.

On the other hand, we are on our way to a second day of voting with a new figure, or not so new since he was in the famous dismissed assembly, but everything seems to indicate that the debate catapulted him to second place in the most important political battle of the moment. .

In relation to the assembly members, we see that many of those “gone, but returned” returned and many new ones did not have a chance, but nothing happens, we resume our daily activities and with the enthusiasm of always we continue forward and we wish that whoever comes to occupying the presidency do things well for the benefit of the majority.

In reality, I prefer to wait to see how the events prior to the next elections evolve. It is also important to analyze that the country is currently facing two strong political currents, that is, those who are loyal to the government of the decade and those who are against it; as far as I see things will be complicated since the second place candidate would be joined by the anti-decade and that would give him a majority percentage. Well there I leave my impressions about it.


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