Results of the Milk Bank of the General Hospital of Mexico

by time news

2023-08-06 20:28:18

The theme of World Breastfeeding Week 2023 is Breastfeed and work: let’s make it possible!
The Milk Bank of the General Hospital of Mexico was inaugurated in 2012.
In addition, it also has lactation rooms that can be used by doctors, nurses, administrators, mayoral workers, interns, undergraduate medicine interns and patients.

During the first seven days of August, World Breastfeeding Week is commemorated. The objective is not only to promote this practice among women but also to recognize the institutions that do a correct job. Such is the case of the General Hospital of Mexico “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga” because for 11 years he has had his own Milk Bank. Throughout this period, it has benefited more than 6,700 girls and boys.

Benefits of breastfeeding a newborn

The CEO, Guadalupe Mercedes Lucia Guerrero Avendano, stressed that breast milk provides all the nutrients for the development of girls and boys; It reduces the risk of digestive and respiratory diseases, allergies, constipation, reflux, obesity, diabetes and tooth decay, and improves intellectual and psychomotor development.

For the mother, breastfeeding helps her avoid postpartum depression, breast and ovarian cancer. Likewise, it favors the bond between her and her daughter or son.

Breastfeeding rooms open to all women

Guerrero Avendaño announced that the hospital he is in charge of also has decent lactation rooms. Any woman who is lactating can make use of these spaces: doctors, nurses, administrators, mayoral workers, interns, undergraduate medicine interns and patients who need to feed their baby or extract milk.

He stressed that the General Hospital of Mexico responds to this year’s call from the World Health Organization (WHO) on the World Breastfeeding Week: “Breastfeeding and working: let’s make it possible!”by providing hygienic and adequate spaces at work so that women can breastfeed their daughters and sons or extract milk during their workday.

The general director stressed that these measures support mothers who return to their work activities to continue breastfeeding.

The public servant explained that the Milk Bank has infrastructure such as special refrigerators to preserve this food in good condition and to preserve its nutrients.

He explained that the milk bank of the General Hospital of Mexico It was inaugurated in 2012, with the aim of establishing a reserve of pasteurized human milk to ensure the newborn’s right to safe, timely and free food.

Also read:

Nuevo León will have its first Breast Milk Bank

Practical tips for expressing breast milk

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