Retired Supreme Court judges attacked the enhancement clause in the conference

by time news

Hundreds participated today (Friday) in the conference of jurists of the Movement for the Quality of Government against the overcoming clause, entitled “Overcoming – What is it actually about”, after the plan of Justice Minister Yariv Levin regarding the expected changes in the justice system that he presented this week.

Retired judge on Yariv Levin’s plan: “They are making a pogrom to the judicial system”
The former Minister of Justice on Yariv Levin’s reform: “An attempt at a counter-revolution”

The conference was held with the participation of the former Minister of Justice, Tzipi Livni, Chairman of the Bar Association, Avi Himi, Judge Eliakim Rubinstein, Judge Mani Mazuz, Attorney Dr. Eliad Sharga and other jurists.

Attorney Dr. Eliad Sharga, the chairman of the Movement for the Quality of Government, spoke: “The Minister of Justice and the Prime Minister yesterday posed a real threat to the Supreme Court. The planned escalation clause is a crushing sentence in the High Court and a crushing of human rights in the country. We must mobilize and prevent the government from changing world orders and destroying our national home.”

Adv. Avi Himi, Chairman of the Bar Association: “The public did not choose to change the course of the regime, the crushing of the courts and governmental tyranny. There is no liberal state without judicial review and without limits to the power of the government. With the fall of the fortress of the court, there is no longer a guarantee for democracy. Bar The lawyers will continue to stand to the right of the judiciary.”

Judge Prof. Eliakim Rubinstein-Deputy President of the Supreme Court (retired): “I don’t sleep at night. This is not Malitza – I am truly anxious for the image of the state. This is not governance but anti-governance.”

Former Minister of Justice Tzipi Livni (Photo: Movement for the Quality of Government)

The former Minister of Justice, Tzipi Livni, said at the conference: “The government is turning the gatekeepers into ministerial guards, and the legal advisers into advocates. They have created delegitimization and also enmity against those they call officials. The current government wants to feed us poison, and asks us to eat with our mouths closed. We will not be silent and we will not stop fighting until the State of Israel defeats the Israeli government!”

Attorney Nadav Wiseman: “Every lawyer in the country must stand up today and defend the justice system!”.

Judge Mani Mazuz-Supreme Court judge (retired): “The result of the superseding clause will be a state without separation of authorities – a state that has only one authority that controls both the Knesset and the legal system.”

Former Minister of Justice Dan Meridor: “The country is at the entrance to a dark alley – there is a huge and huge change in the image of our country. We have built a strong country, but power without justice is a disaster, and the essence of democracy is the centrality of the person.”

Attorney David Hodak: “The government has forbidden war on the people, and war is what they will get from us. The foreign fire that this government has lit could burn down the house!”

Judge Ila Forcacia-Supreme Court Judge (retired), and President of the Movement for the Quality of Government: “We are in a period of rupture in the basic principles of the country – a rupture in all systems of government and in the fabric of life. We cannot accept as a liberal society the destruction of our fundamental values. We need these days God to use any legitimate means against the destructive initiatives.”

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