Retirees receive good news from Social Security

by time news

Approved in February 2021, those retirees who meet a series of requirements can choose to collect a supplement for reduce the gender gap in pensions, which replaces the call “maternity supplement” contemplated in article 60 and which was introduced into the General Social Security Law by Law 48/2015.

This was considered discriminatory by a judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union, hence the introduction of the new plus, which corrects the design problems presented by its predecessor and which it did not attack the origin of the gender gap in pensions.

The plugin allows collect up to 378 euros more in your annual pension for each child to those who demonstrate that during their professional life the fact of having to take care of their offspring was detrimental to them in the workplace. Thus, the monthly improvement of the pensions of these retirees increases 27 euros per month, up to a maximum of 4 children, and is paid in 14 payments. As an example, we can say that the plus represents an annual income of up to 1,512 euros for families with 4 children.

Who can order it and where

To qualify for this upgrade it is necessary to be attached to any scheme of the Social Security system, request a contributory retirement, permanent disability or widow’s pension and have one or more children enrolled in the Civil registration. Yes indeed, they are incompatible with each other and will be paid in the Social Security regime in which the pensioner has more periods of registration.

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The supplement is requested by completing an application at the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) or at the Social Institute of the Navy if it is a sea worker.

Finally, it should be noted that, although the highest percentage of beneficiaries of this bonus are women, since they are the ones who in most cases have dedicated themselves to caring for children, there are men who can claim it too. In their case, and having a contributory pension, they must demonstrate that it was they who interrupted or saw their professional careers affected by the arrival of a child. Also, those men who are receiving a widow’s pension due to the death of the other parent for their sons or daughters in common, provided that one of them is entitled to receive an orphan’s pension, may opt for the supplement.

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