RETIREMENT AGE | New in retirement: the new age to retire from January 1, 2024

by time news

2023-10-29 20:16:54

One of the great fears of the new generations and young people is that the age of retirement It is going to be delayed more and more. Those who have seen their grandparents and parents retire and start living off their pension at age 65, if not before, are aware that it will be difficult for them to retire in the same way as their parents did. In fact, there will be news next year.

In the end, it is a purely demographic, mathematical and economic question. The population pyramid is inverting, there is no longer an active population to support the pension system for an increasing number of pensioners, at the same time that life expectancy is increasing. Everything indicates that For the public system to be sustainable there will be no choice but to delay the retirement age.

At the same time, the fact that advances mean that more and more we can enjoy more years with a good quality of life supports the idea that working life should be lengthened over time. There are even people who request to delay their retirement age, since they want to stay active for longer and feel that they can still contribute in their field of work. It is something that has happened, for example, in the medical sector, where some doctors claim to be able to continue practicing beyond the established retirement age.

The news in retirement that 2024 will bring

The arrival of 2024 will bring important news regarding retirement that affects everyone. Above all, regarding at legal age so that a worker can withdraw from the labor market. The modification of the regulation materializes in a new two-month increase compared to 2023 to qualify for a retirement pension. In other words, we will have to wait a little longer to be able to retire from work after years and years of social security contributions.

In reality, these increases in the retirement age have been gradually implemented since 2019 and respond to the decision of that in 2027 the ordinary retirement age in Spain will be established at 67 years. That is the horizon with which we are currently working, although the younger generations have internalized the concern that those 67 years will continue to increase over time as demographic evolution increases, in which the greatest hope to alleviate aging and increase the weight of the active population is the immigration that the country.

The final figures for retirement

Thus, from next January 1, they will be able to retire with 65 years old those workers who have contributed to Social Security for a minimum of 38 yearswhile those who do not reach that figure will not be able to retire before having completed 66 years and six months.

On the other hand, those who wish to request a early retirement and voluntarily may do so 24 months before the legal retirement age, although this option entails percentage penalties on the monthly amount that the future retiree will receive.

As already noted, the increase in the legal retirement age is due to the desire to preserve the sustainability of the pension system Spanish public. For now, it seems that there is no choice but to extend the working life of Spaniards in order to sustain a public pension system.

The piggy bank of money for pensions has been a big political headache in recent years. Reality dictates that the accounts will not be settled in the future, hence the need to make decisions that are not always well received. Also at this point lies the complication of revaluing pensions in accordance with the CPI and the rise in the standard of living and prices that the country has been experiencing in recent times.

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