BOLZANO. «I don’t want to say that price increases are not justified, but they cannot burden citizens’ pockets either. Above all, such a great disparity between structure and structure cannot exist. For some retirement homes we are talking about a difference of 13 euros per day. Almost four hundred euros a month. We need to review the costs”, the councilor said Juri Andriollo confirm that the bitterness for theincrease in fees in facilities for the elderly non-municipal ones has not diminished, on the contrary.
The discussion arose with the Province’s decision to raise the daily maximum cap of 77 euros. Two retirement homes had already announced that they would adopt this figure starting from 2025. With the resolutions approved in the town hall during the last session of 2024, the confirmation has arrived. If for the residences for the elderly managed by Assb the daily prices have increased to 64.91 euros for a single room and 61.66 for a double room – a growth of 1.5% “in line with inflation”, according to Andriollo – for the rest homes managed by third parties and located in Bolzano they range from a minimum of 69 euros per day for a single room, to a maximum of 77 euros. For double rooms the price varies from 65.55 euros to 73.15.
Lowest prices at Lanawhere a single room costs 64.65 euros and a double room 61.42 euros, a Sankt Josef Tesimo single room 60.65 euros and double room 57.62 euros, and in “Firmian” hospitalization centerwith a single rate of 53 euros per day. For the year 2026 it has already been announced that the increases could go up to 80 euros. Guests are assigned to facilities based on need and availability.
«So families can pay the minimum or maximum daily cost based on the seat assigned to them», underlines Andriollo. It is necessary to remember that the rates are calculated based on the income and assets of the person entering the facility, their spouse and children. For those who can’t make it, the Municipality must provide. «So money from the public administration – underlines the councilor – The issue is this: for the same service there cannot be such high price differences, we need uniformity of treatment for all the structures. Above all, at a time when the provincial budget seems to be excellent, there is even more reason to put the well-being of citizens first.” To discuss the topic, a meeting has already been scheduled with the provincial social councilor Rosmarie Pamer. M.A.