Retirement pensions: against the advice of the government, the deputies vote an envelope of 500 million euros

by time news

New hiccup for the executive. The National Assembly voted in first reading of the amending finance bill an amendment acknowledging a revaluation of 500 million euros for retirement pensions. This “victory” of the united oppositions was obtained by a very narrow majority, voted by 186 deputies, when 181 opposed it. Concretely, this envelope will only benefit retired public servants, according to the general rapporteur of this bill, Jean-René Cazeneuve.

The deputy Charles de Courson, at the origin of this amendment, however said he was simply waiting for a “clarification” from the government. This is what the deputies call an “appeal amendment”, that is to say designed above all to alert the government to a specific subject, being aware that they have in principle no chance of being adopted.

Yes, but here it is, it is written that nothing will happen as planned in this National Assembly. The oppositions have all mobilized (The Republicans are almost all absent this Tuesday afternoon) to vote for the release of this new envelope.

>> More information to come

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