Retirements. The opposition did not achieve a quorum due to the storm and Milei’s fiscal discussion with the provinces. Miguel Ángel Pichetto’s bloc could not force the discussion within the venue to update pension assets; the ruling party’s strategy to avoid being marked outPoliticsBy Delfina Celichini

by times news cr

The session requested for today by the block We make Federal Coalition to modify the updating of pensions did not achieve the whose necessary. With ten less than the 129 deputies necessary to start the discussion, the climatic contingencies as well as the fear of the provinces of breaking the labile armistice proposed by Javier Mileywhich conditions the realization of the May Pact where the distribution of shared resources is expected to be discussed, weakened the call.

“There is no sector of society that has been harmed more or that has to consume one of the goods that increased the most, which are medicines. We know that it is difficult for the President to be sensitive, to have empathy and to understand the situation of the people who suffer more than the rest, but we ask him to be intelligent, to continue this discussion of the tax dispute with the provinces and that we do not know when they will leave. to resolve. Are retirees going to be hostages to that discussion? “They have nothing to do with that,” he said. Juan Manuel Lopez (We do), author of the initiative.

His benchmate, Nicolas Massotdeepened López’s request and demanded that the president of the body, Martin Menem, move forward with the location of all the commissions. “During the treatment of the omnibus law you asked us to come to work on Saturdays and now we ask you to work from Monday to Friday,” he chicane. In this new parliamentary round, We Make the Federal Coalition adopted a less contemplative attitude towards the ruling party and aims to discuss the issues that they consider “urgent.” The treatment of the “Bases Law” project eroded his bond with the libertarians and this reprofiled the scheme of parliamentary alliances.

For this reason, they began dialogue with Unión por la Patria (UxP), with 99 volunteers, who announced early on that they would sit on their benches this afternoon. Through “We want an open space, debating,” they said. However, many of the representatives of this space had to travel from their provinces and a few did not manage to arrive on time.

“It’s finite. If they manage to ensure that Kirchnerism is whole, they can arrive,” said a legislator from La Libertad Avanza (LLA), while meeting with his group. They discussed the steps to follow during the first ordinary session of the year. The ruling party in the Chamber of Deputies could not dismantle the session request made by the bloc led by Miguel Ángel Pichetto and the presidency of the body had to formalize the call for a session to debate a change in the adjustment of retirements.

However, until the last moment, he tried to thwart the request for a session. For this reason, he convened the Welfare and Social Security Commission for this afternoon at 4 p.m. In addition, he worked in tandem with the Executive Branch, which put pressure on the provincial leaders through the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francosto avoid the appearance of their legislators on the premises.

In fact, the members of Federal Innovation, the space where the provincial ruling parties of Neuquén, Misiones, Río Negro and Salta converge, with eight members, did not give quorum. Although they show a willingness to put the pension issue on the table, they evaluate their next steps based on how their relationship with the Casa Rosada evolves. As far as he could know THE NATIONone of the governors of this space apologized to a representative of the Pichetto bloc – with whom they maintain good harmony – from excusing his deputies so as not to strain the link with the Government.

The sessions of Deputies, without a quorum; the opposition managed to gather 119 legislators

The casualties also affected the We Make Federal Coalition, where the governors gravitate Martin Llaryora (Córdoba), Ignacio Torres (Chubut) and Rogelio Frigerio (Between rivers). By order of the provincial leaders, three of the five deputies who answer to the Cordoban –Ignacio García Aresca, Carlos Gutierrez y Alejandra Torres– as well as the Entre Ríos Francisco Morchio They were not present this afternoon.

The Patagonian Torres, Rolando Figueroa (Neuquén) and Alberto Weretilneck (Río Negro) resist reincorporating the fourth category of income tax, which the Government insists on, because it would directly affect the salaries of workers in the energy sector in their provinces. This could be a breaking point.

Meanwhile, a sector of radicalism referenced with Facundo Manes was willing to accompany the initiative of We Make the Federal Coalition. There were only five of the 34 legislators that make up the space led by the man from Córdoba. Rodrigo de Loredo. Although the centenary party had difficulties to manage to amalgamate positions after the landing of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) at the head of the Government, on this occasion they acted, for the most part, cohesively. The cost of sitting alongside Kirchnerism, while fighting it discursively, weighed on the decision of a portion of radicalism. Furthermore, as he learned THE NATIONthey prioritized peace within the bloc so as not to continue showing fissures.

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