Retreats: method, tempo, “succession” of errors… Hollande descends the reform as a rule

by time news

He describes a “level of anger and resentment as rarely” he has experienced. Guest of “BFMPolitique” this Sunday noon, in partnership with “Le Parisien”, François Hollande did not mince his words, when returning to the government’s political strategy on the subject of pension reform. ” How did we get here ? “, he first launched. Before listing and detailing what he considers to be “a succession of errors”.

The former head of state then returned to the “moment” of this reform. “It was decided to reform pensions at the worst time”, he tackled, “in a context of high inflation, necessarily imputed purchasing power”, and “concern because there is also a war in Ukraine”. Second error pointed out by François Hollande: that of “content” and “meaning”. “When you propose a pension reform that requires an effort from those who worked hard and early and nothing from those with the highest incomes, it is also a misinterpretation,” he explained.

“We were waiting for the President of the Republic so that he could appease and he exacerbated”

“Third error, an error in method,” continued Hollande. “When you start by discussing with a political organization, in this case the LR, rather than with the unions, in this case the CFDT, which was ready to commit, you are making a new mistake”. And to continue on “a fourth error, which is a procedural error”, concludes François Hollande. “You initiate a pension reform, a subject that is broad, through a procedure that reduces the time for debate, and you end up, when you claimed the opposite, with 49.3”.

Finally, François Hollande returned to Emmanuel Macron’s speech, at 1 p.m. on TF 1 and France 2, the “fifth error”, which according to him is a “communication error”. “We were waiting for the President of the Republic on Tuesday so that he could appease and he exacerbated it, also having unpleasant words for the leaders of the CFDT”. “Wouldn’t the last mistake be to carry on as if nothing had happened?” To turn around? To think it’s going to work out? “, he finally questioned.

“The best decision is to invite the inter-union without waiting for the decision of the Constitutional Council (…) to address all the subjects, including the pension reform”, concluded the former First Secretary of the Socialist Party. “I think the situation could be resolved,” he said.

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