Return of the demonstrations: call for the rally of yellow vests and support for Professor Perronne

by time news

The political return is also a citizen return with demonstrations which have already resumed last week. Demonstrations of yellow vests are planned for this Saturday, September 10, and speeches in support of Professor Perronne, summoned before the Council of the Order, will take place on Tuesday, September 13.

With the end of the demonstrations against the health pass, the summer was quiet on the side of crowd movements. But this Saturday, it’s the recovery: a crowd of demonstrators is expected throughout France with demonstrations of yellow vests which are for the most part not declared: these are mostly informal gatherings for which the date is communicated at the last minute. At the level of the claims, no precise elements, except a general anger of the workers of France.

National call for yellow vests

Notable fact for this Saturday: a national call for the gathering of yellow vests emanating from the founder of the Facebook page ” black september “. A call that is not unanimous within the movement.

Contacted by telephone, this man, who describes himself as an early yellow vest and a citizen disillusioned with politics, believes that this day is important for ” return to the basic values ​​of the Yellow Vests ». « I made the call and groups formed all over the country. It’s a throwback to the first acts of 2018 “, he launches, also expressing his wish to see one day a meeting between the movements of the last two years.

According to him, it is important to relaunch the momentum of demonstration and September 10 represents an ideal date: ” If we had done it on September 3, it would have been complicated, there are many parents among the Yellow Vests who already had to manage the start of the school year. And to judge: « There, September 10, it’s a good date ».

Around the same date last year, September 11, 2021, a demonstration of Yellow Vests had been emulated following a police repression denounced from all sides on the movement’s social networks.

On the phone, Rémi Monde, a participant in the movement from the very first acts and organizer of the Freedom Convoy in France last February, announces that we support this national appeal: “Everyone experiences different things depending on everyone’s different jobs. But there is a fear of the future in any case, that’s for sure. When we are told of increases of 1000%, an end to abundance, today the energy crisis is a new subject. We realize that these are decisions made by a president who is picking up. We have the feeling of being in a system that has been prepared and that we pay the costs. It’s the accumulation of all that that makes people fed up with it.”.

See also: “French citizens are in command with the freedom convoy” Rémi Monde

Censure de Facebook

While groups of Yellow Vests have been organizing through Facebook for several years, accounts are increasingly “restricted” or even “suspended” by the social network, which has the effect of reducing the number of people present at events.

Rémi Monde has seen his account suspended for 90 days until next October: ” And it’s getting worse and worse. For me, Facebook struck a humorous post that I had put, while it was not attacking anyone. […] For others, they go back to previous posts to see what they can use as a pretext ».

According to Rémi Monde, Facebook remains vague about the information it censors: “In February, with the Freedom Convoy, they understood the methodology we were using, we went through Facebook to get organized. And so there they started putting in firewalls. They say we’re breaking community standards, but that doesn’t mean anything. I made a complaint but didn’t even get a response. And all week, I have been sent more and more accounts that have been restricted, especially this Friday, it has gone up crescendo all week ».

Read also: Facebook censors FranceSoir for 24 hours

Rally in support of Professor Perronne

This Tuesday, the Réinfo Paris collective, associated with the associations Liberté 78 and L’union fait la force, is organizing a rally in support of Professor Christian Perronne, former head of department at the Garches hospital, in the Paris region. Media figure of the opposition to health measures, he is summoned before the Council of the Order of Physicians of Paris.

Read also: What do we blame Professor Perronne for?

According to his Réinfo Paris coordinator, Dany, whom we contacted by telephone, it is important for those who support the “ combat of the teacher to come and show their attachment to the one who has sacrificed a lot to stand up for what he says is right, even if it went against what this Council advocates. “And to add:” The event that we want to set up is to thank Professor Perronne who suffered the consequences of his commitment. »

For Stéphanie, a caregiver still suspended for refusing vaccination, this event is also an opportunity to alert the population to the living conditions of caregivers. September 15 will mark the first anniversary since the suspension of health professionals.

The demonstration will begin at 8:30 a.m., at the Volontaire metro exit. It is an informal, undeclared movement, which aims to welcome Professor Perronne and accompany him to the Council. The demonstration will then move to the Jacques Chabans-Delmas esplanade, avenue de Breteuil, where speeches will take place all day, pending the exit of the professor from the instance, where he will be heard.

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