Returning to the bridges. Prime Minister Lapid “This government is not a normal event”

by time news

Close to a hundred people, activists of the Yesh Atid party demonstrated yesterday against the incoming government, at the KKL bridge which was blocked to traffic. The demonstrators were joined by Prime Minister Yair Lapid. In a post he posted on Twitter, Lapid wrote “The incoming government is the most extreme and craziest in the country’s history. Netanyahu is weak and his partners are younger, more determined and more extreme than him, and have subdued him unconditionally. But we don’t give up. We are fighting for our beloved country, for our democracy, for our soldiers, for the future of our children. We will never give up.

Yesh Atid activists protest at the KKL Bridge (photo by Dan Bar Dov)

In a post on Facebook, Lapid wrote, “A crazy government is being established here. This is a hard statement, but there is no other way to describe what is happening around us. Netanyahu is weak, blackmailed by young and determined partners from him. They are creating an administrative structure that will be impossible to manage, a government that will not be able to govern. The main headline There was a statement yesterday: “The dissolution of the Ministry of Education has been completed.” This was not an opinion piece, or a cry of outrage from the opposition benches, but a statement of fact. There was a ministry, now it is being dismantled. There will still be a building with a parking lot next to the person they will call “Minister of Education”, but all His powers were emptied and distributed to others. Avi Maoz received the external programs and NIS 2 billion, Orit Struck the Jewish culture, Smotrich the appointments to the teachers’ council, the ultra-Orthodox the ultra-Orthodox education, now there will also be another minister on behalf of Shas within the Ministry of Education. What will he do there? What do you think he will do there?” And Yaud Lapid writes, “There used to be an old joke like this, not very funny: What is the difference between the State of Israel and a madhouse? In a madhouse at least the management is normal.

Lapid “A crazy government is being established here”

So that’s it, no. This government is not a normal event. It does not even represent the election results. The Likud has become a junior partner in his own government, Netanyahu is at the height of his weakness, the extremists are pushing the system to illusory places. If a normal government was established here, we would give it days of grace. That is not the case. Not when the main victims are our children and our soldiers. We will go to bridges, intersections, streets. We will protect the courts, the IDF, the schools. We are fighting for our country and we have no intention of giving up.”

A post by the Yesh Atid party reads “In the face of the extreme and crazy government that is being built out of Netanyahu’s weakness, Prime Minister and Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid, members of the faction and tens of thousands of our activists went out to the bridges and intersections all over the country and called to stop the madness and fight for the country. We call on all the parties and the citizens of Israel, including the Likud voters who see how their party deceives them and harms the entire public, to join the struggle that began in the bridges and will continue tomorrow all over the country from Eilat in the south to Yosod Ha Maale in the north. We are not their suckers and we will not remain silent while they harm the future of the country and the future of our children.

Yesh Atid people
Yesh Atid people “we are not their suckers” (photo by Dan Bar Dov)

Members of Knesset and other ministers from Mish Atid arrived at protest centers throughout the country to support the protesters. Minister of Economy and Industry Orna Barbiei and MK Noor Shiri arrived at the KKL Bridge in Tel Aviv, Minister Elazar Stern and MK Vladimir Bliak arrived at the Svidor Bridge, MK Michal Shir in Herzliya, Minister of Tourism Yoel Razvozov and MK Simon Davidson at the Poleg intersection, Kh. Karam Ben Barak to the Yafa Nof bridge in Ma’lot Tarshiha and Knesset members Yorai Lahav Hertsano and Tanya Mazarsky to the entrance bridge to Karmiel.

(Photo by Dan Bar Dov)
(Photo by Dan Bar Dov)

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