Revaluation of pensions: an increase of 5.1% from November 1

by time news

Supplementary pensions paid by Agirc-Arrco will be increased by 5.1% from 1is November, after a 1% increase last year.

Source AFP

13 million retirees affiliated with Agirc-Arrco are affected by this increase.
13 million retirees affiliated with Agirc-Arrco are affected by this increase.
© THIBAUT DURAND / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP

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Un diversion. This is what fear the leaders of the supplementary pension plan for executives and private sector employees Agirc-Arrco. While they had good news to announce to the 13 million employees who trust them, namely a 5.12% revaluation of their supplementary pension, the administrators were more open about their fears linked to the Security reform. social. From 1is January, the collection of pension contributions would no longer be ensured by Agirc-Arrco, but by Urssaf. From then on, the affiliated pension executives denounced a risk of “capture” of their income by Social Security and demanded “a minimum postponement” of this project.

The big box therefore fears a great “misappropriation”. The president of Agirc-Arrco, Didier Weckner, used the word several times during a press conference to say all the good things he thinks about the transfer of the collection of his some 87 billion euros in contributions to the Urssaf – which ensures the cash flow of the Secu. A reform voted at the end of 2019, in the midst of a debate on the “universal system” of retirement, scrapped since the Covid. The measure was nevertheless maintained, even if its entry into force was postponed for a year. But, “three months from the start, no one is ready,” said the director of the supplementary scheme, François-Xavier Selleret, alerting to a “major risk” for the calculation of the rights of future private pensioners.

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“The risks are too high to do this on the fly”, insisted the vice-president, Brigitte Pisa, denouncing “a dialogue of the deaf” with Bercy. “We are at a breaking point”, she added, explaining that “the capture of our resources is not understandable”. This is why “all the social partners” wrote to the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, to ask him “at the very least to postpone” this transfer to Urssaf, indicated Didier Weckner, specifying that half a dozen amendments to the Sécu budget had already been tabled with a view to its pure and simple “abrogation”. According to him, the operation makes even less sense since Agirc-Arrco has “a healthy situation”, without debt and with an expected surplus of 3.5 to 4 billion euros this year, which enabled its board of directors to vote for a 5.12% increase in pensions for its 13 million retirees from 1is november. This revaluation, which will cost 4.5 billion over a full year, does not call into question the “golden rule” of the regime, whose reserves (estimated at 62 billion at the end of September) remain above 6 months of payments over a horizon of 15 years old. Without even having to touch the legal age of departure.

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